Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Movie Mini Reviews #1: The Furies (2019) & The Orange Years: The Nickelodeon Story (2020)


This is something new that I'm trying. I'm going to give mini reviews to some movies like I used to do with tv shows and comics back in the early days of this blog. I do watch quite a few movies and I do like talking about them even if I can't get several paragraphs out of them. Weird that I chose said image for the top there because I could talk about those three movies for like 80 paragraphs they are all so good. Killer Klowns From Outer Space is one of the greatest things  ever filmed and if you disagree well poop on you jerk. Anyway I've decided to pick two movies to discuss because well why not they deserve some discussion.

Our First movie is 2019's The Furies. It's a Shudder exclusive that I'm sure I could get several paragraphs out of but I don't want to really ruin the fun of this one. This is a really neat fun little take on the old The Most Dangerous Game formula. I'm a sucker for movies of this type. This one has 7 women being captured and taken to a place where 7 beastly men attack and try to kill them. That's all I'll say about this because it's really worth going in as fresh as possible with this movie. Well I'll also mention that this movie is gross as fuck with it's violence. It even had a scene that made me go ARGLEBARGLE HARGLELARGLE but I always do that when something involving trauma to that body part happens in any movie. It's a no go people! The acting is pretty good I thought at least and I think you all should give this movie a looksee. 

The Orange Years: The Nickelodeon Story is a decent and fun documentary. It's just got some flaws. It starts off with a bit of history from Nickelodeon before going into talking about every BIG name show on the channel. I think it would have worked better if they showed how boring some of the Nick shows were before You Can't Do That On Television showed up because holy hell were some of them bad. It also skips a lot of shows that I wish they had talked about like Angry Beavers and Hey Arnold and I think they should have talked a little about today's Nickelodeon. I know people my age only care about Nickelodeon of their childhood but it would have felt better as an ending then just feeling like it abruptly stops after they talk about Kenan and Kel (a show I never watched because I don't think YTV ever brought that or All That to Canada. At least not to my knowledge). Also kinda weird that they didn't talk about the scandals related to that weirdo who loves Feet and was on Head of the Class and has a last name I can't spell and also John K from Ren and Stimpy maybe this documentary was finished before that stuff happened but they were still trying to get it released. Still it's pretty fun to listen to the kids from Are You Afraid of the Dark talk about the show. Also the guy who played Frank I think that was his name in Are You Afraid of the Dark now has a Robert Z'Dar style chin. It literally takes up like 80% of his face. It's pretty amazing. I would also like to point you to the poparena YouTube channel because that guy is talking about EVERY Nickelodeon show and It's pretty great. 

Well that was the first look at some movies I didn't have enough to say about but I still wanted to talk about. I'm sure this will not happen as much as regular movie reviews but I still felt like these two movies deserved some discussion. Anyway have fun and remember to play nice!


  1. Killer Klowns scared the shit out of me as a little kid. I went over my best friend's house and it was on HBO... during the day... And I saw it. The 80s were weird.

    I don't know what is worse, eye trauma or dong trauma. Ok, it's dong trauma but eye is up there.

    Hey Arnold was dumb and Out of Control was amazing. Old 80s Nickelodeon was far superior to 90s Nickelodeon because the mish mash of shows it gathered was amazing. When they started making their own content was the beginning of the end. Double Dare was the last great thing to come out of that channel and the only made for network show worth taking about. Before you say anything, DOUG SUCKS and justifies my stance.

  2. I thought you liked Ren and Stimpy, dipshit.

  3. Nah, Doug blows though. Probably literally honk honk Beaker in back alleys.

  4. Doug rules.

    Why are you bringing up the Muppet Beaker??

  5. That stupid friend of Doug's goes honk honk or something. I don't even remember his name because I am trying to forget the time I wasted watching this shit as a kid.


Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)

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