Saturday, July 8, 2023

Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)


I talked about this comic series in the last Final Episode post about Monster By Mistake. I mentioned how I talked about this series for one paragraph when I would just do one paragraph review of comics. I do feel that I should re-do all of those reviews and get into the nitty gritty of what was good and bad about those stories. That was also the first time I ever read the series and I did it due to having scans on the internet because whenever these issues show up they are way too expensive for me. I am not paying anything over 3 dollars for these issues because their are so many copies of each one of them. That brings down the price. Plus the fact that I did not really like reading the story. Yes, I do still want to own the series because I would like to have every Spider Man comic ever, but I do not want to spend 140 dollars to own all 14 parts of this series. You'll see why I don't want too.

When I was a kid watching the 1994 Spider-Man series I nearly shit my pants seeing Venom for the first time. This crazy fucking monster man wants to kill Spider-Man?!? Was he in the comics too I asked myself! I found that yes he was. Except it was incredibly popular at the time and every single issue he was in was worth more than my little nine year old self could buy! Way too much! I pretty much have all of them now. At least the appearances in Amazing Spider-Man, but still none of the Venom Lethal Protector thing. It's like Maximum Carnage here. I don't want to spend the wild ass prices people want for these comics that are not as rare as they think. I'm a cheap jerk I guess.

Anyway for some ungodly reason this is a big story. It was 14 parts. It got a SNES and Genesis game (the only good part of this series is the video game. Play that instead) and well I do not like it and I'm going to have to reread the damn thing again. Such an unnecessary and shitty thing I have to do for you JERKS. Just because I was a lazy jerk myself the first time reading this. Anyway the story starts in an all new Spider-Man comic! It's called Spider-Man Unlimited and it was the fifth Spider-Man title. It would be something that would come out every few months instead of monthly. It only lasted for about 20 something issues before being cancelled in 1998. It is not to be connected to the Spider-Man Unlimited cartoon series that I still have to discuss somewhere on this blog. I don't really want too though.

Anyway the story starts with Cletus Kasady, also known as Carnage escaping from Ravencroft. I am a fan of Venom but Carnage could be a bit much at times. I do still enjoy a few stories he was in though. He spends pages pretty much killing as many guards as possible. We then go to the funeral of Harry Osborn, the second Green Goblin. We then see Cletus Kasady help Shriek escape. And they find Doppleganger you know the weird Spider-Man from the Infinity War story. You think Spider Man is just going to end up teaming up with Venom and maybe Black Cat (seeing as she was at the funeral) but nope. All this story is another character joining the team (Deathlok, Captain America, Nightwatch (yes the spawn ripoff guy) Iron Fist, Morbius, Cloak and Dagger (she "dies" in part 2 but comes back later)all show up with Black Cat and Venom and Spider-Man to fight Demogoblin, Carrion, Doppleganger, Carnage, Shriek, and probably someone else I forgot) Somewhere in here a group of people just go nuts because seeing all the horrible brutality drives them mad until Deathlok seriously steals a machine from the Care Bears to blast everyone with Love. I am only somewhat joking with that sentence too!

This story was mostly uninteresting padding and it really went nowhere. This was clearly one of the worst kinda stories. It's not a legit classic. It's not something goofy and weird. It's not  a story anyone telling really gave a shit about. However you do get some pretty damn good art by the guys drawing the Spider-Man titles at the time. Mark Bagley, Alex Saviuk, Tom Lyle and others. The saddest thing is most of these writers HAVE and even STILL DO good stuff. It's just sometimes hard for someone to care about a story. AND THEY DIDNT. You could literally skip 80% of this story and not be lost. That's not a good thing for any fucking story. I'm not even going to lie to you and say that I actually did re-read everything because I didn't. Fuck this story. I'm going to stick with my rating of D- because the art is really nice but other than that I don't like this story and I'm tired of talking about it.


  1. I read Maximum Carnage when it was published, month to month. I was excited because I was a Venom fan at the time (Marvel then proceeded to smash the character into dust and they made your favorite character Deadpool great). It started strong but by the time part 4 or 5 came out, it was dragging out way, way too long. I remember that as well as not caring when it ended, distinctly. It's indeed terrible.

    1. Venom is still better than Deadpool, who is terrible and I hate him.


Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)

  I talked about this comic series in the last Final Episode post about Monster By Mistake. I mentioned how I talked about this series for o...