Thursday, July 6, 2023

Random Ass Thoughts #4

 Yep, it's time for another bunch of random ass thoughts that no one asked for but I just feel I gotta get them out on paper. This time I have four of them!

1.) Isn't it fun to have complicated feelings on a complicated subject that fans just don't want to have a serious discussion on? Okay, you all kinda know that I love comic books and Marvel Comics and collect a whole hell of a lot of them. Now if you spend time on Facebook you'd see SO many arguments over who did what in the creation of the characters. You got people who think Stan Lee did it all (He didn't) you got guys who think Jack Kirby did it all (He didn't) You got guys who think it was just Kirby and Ditko (they didn't). My feelings on the whole thing? Yeah it's complicated. I believe that Kirby and Ditko did a LOT of the heavy lifting that Stan Lee gets all the credit for but I'm sorry I do not for a second believe that Stan Lee just sat in the Marvel Offices for like 50 fucking years with his thumb up his ass doing nothing but getting a nice prostate massage. I think he might be the most important figure because he was the glue that held it all together in the beginning. Yeah,  One of the things I like about Marvel is that it hasn't been rebooted really and is still a sixty two ongoing year story. I also don't like how these arguments forget about people who were there in the beginning like Don Heck and Dick Ayers who worked on a lot of comic stories and added to the tapestry of the Marvel Story and deserve the respect and credit for that. Oh and all of the people who created big name characters like Wolverine and The Punisher and Iron Fist and Luke Cage. Oh and the people who came before Stan Lee and Jack Kirby like Bill Everett and Carl Burgos with Namor or The Original Human Torch. What I'm saying is that the Marvel Story is a large story that many many human beings put work and effort into telling. It wasn't made by just one person. Sorry if you don't like that.

2.) I kinda hate the whole "JUST CREATE NEW CHARACTERS" a lot of anti-woke people will yell when a character like the 3rd Robin is shown to be bisexual or something. First off, it's not like the easiest thing in this world to create a new character out of nothing and it's also hard to sell new characters because despite people yelling for them they don't sell as well as you'd think! Also would you be like "oh hey Disney/Warner Brothers I have this great amazing idea and I will just give you this for the small amount of money you'll give me in return!"? Hell no you wouldn't. Unless you are like the biggest idiot in the history of this damn world. Also a new character doesn't mean it's automatically good either! at one point Friends was a new idea and that show sucked ass. The biggest point to all of this is when they make fun of the new characters that happen to be gay or black or transgender! It's like they are dishonest shitheads!

3.) I fucking hate facial hair so much. I hate shaving it. I hate having it on me. I hate it.

4.) The Thames Ident is the coolest thing ever. I love it

That's it. Go away now.


Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)

  I talked about this comic series in the last Final Episode post about Monster By Mistake. I mentioned how I talked about this series for o...