Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Movie Review #31: The Sand (2015)


So I'm sure you are all aware of Jaws (1975) right? That movie was such a landmark hit that it got 3 sequels and about forty two cash ins and rip-offs. A cash in and a ripoff are different things. One is just taking the same idea and doing it again this time with a different animal. Grizzly is a ripoff of Jaws. Orca is a cash in of Jaws. I love cash in and rip-offs so much and I will argue about this until you shit your pants so I will leave you alone. I've seen so many Jaws rip-offs/cash ins that I don't even know where to begin. One such cash in was Blood Beach a movie where a monster is UNDER the sand and you cant even get TO the water to get eaten! Wild shit!

Blood Beach gets a mention here because uh... The Sand (2015) is a rip-off of Blood Beach. Although it  wouldn't surprise me if the people who made this had no idea what Blood Beach even was. The only two people born past 1980 that saw that movie were me and uh.. me. Anyway this movie is about a bunch of college kids being college kids drinking and fuckin around on the the beach. two of them find a gooey ass egg and don't even think twice about moving it around. You think they'd like set that shit on fire or something. I know I would. Anyway there's 2 people stuck in a lifeguard station. 4 people stuck in a car and a poor fella stuck in a damn garbage bin. With a dick drawn on his face because well college kids.

I mentioned in a movie review on this blog, Triggered (2020) (yes that is a bad title I know), that I LOVE it when a movie takes place in a single setting. This time it's a beach where people try to find their way off the sand without getting eaten by a monster. It's weird foliocles can feel you on the beach, unless you have like shoes on or something. Which is a bad thing for the college kids stuck on the beach. I was with this movie, I liked the characters and felt bad about their plight. Honestly I don't have much bad to say about this movie except the terrible awful CGI. Holy hot shit that was bad. Very cheap. It's a shame really.

FINAL VERDICT: A fun monster movie that should be checked out. I guess that's all that needs to be said.



    So it's Tremors? On a beach?

  2. more or less just one big monster that will suck you into the sand. so uh close to tremors but not completely the same.

    also eat shit.

  3. So Tremors on a beach. Gotcha.


Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)

  I talked about this comic series in the last Final Episode post about Monster By Mistake. I mentioned how I talked about this series for o...