Thursday, December 30, 2021

A Review of Twitter or Why Internet 1.0 was better or Reasons for me to fucking Quit this stupid website.


I think that the first thing I gotta do is talk about how much I hate the last week of the year. I'm never sure what day it is. It all goes together in a slog. It's horribly boring. If we could literally skip from Christmas to January First I would be the happiest man a live. The thing that gets me each year is this time of year all I end up thinking about is how I wasted the year before hand not fixing many of the issues I have as a human being. It's stuff I don't want to talk about on this silly lighthearted blog where I talk about Charles in Charge and silly comic books from the past. I'm writing this mostly for one person that that person is me. It's a reminder that you will do at least one positive thing for your mental health next year and that is not use twitter. So I will bring the reasons why you will not use twitter here.

#1: You get too little words to use in one single tweet. I'm a wordy bitch and 280 is not enough to change anyone's mind. I'm not even talking about serious things like say an anti-vaxxer or something. It's not even enough to change peoples minds on frivolous things like comic books or if Mama's Family was a good television show or not. Yeah you can make tweet threads but you know for a fact most people stop reading after the first tweet. I know I do. Also some times these threads are put together in the wrong order which I'm sure is Twitters doing to keep you from reading the entire thing and just tweeting snarky comments.

#2: You are just thrown in there willy nilly. With Facebook you can make sure that people see what you post easily. You let your friends in or co-workers or whatever. Hell if you want to let in the crazy homeless man who somehow has Facebook into your friends list you can. However with twitter that is not the way. You like one persons post and then you get 32,000 others. No one has the time to see if all of those people are actually worthwhile and not crazy. You just find more and more people to argue with over stuff that's pointless really because of the way the sites set up.

#3: If you step into political twitter you will become a crazy person. Ok, let's imagine two human beings. One is a left winger who is really into making sure say, transgender people have a positive life doing what they want in life. The other person is a right winger who say wants limited government and the lowest taxes possible. These are for the most part two human beings you can get along with. They don't automatically go for your throat if you say "I sure do like the African American Spider-Man character marvel came up with" or "I laughed at the movie Porky's when I was a teenager and it still has a nostalgic place in my heart". They won't jump down your ass for those comments and yes people will jump down your ass for those comments on twitter. It's like what the hell? The echo chamber and algorithm will have these two reasonable people screaming about how Joseph Stalin was a perfect human being and his version of Communism should be put up all over the world or how every person who isnt the whitest person who ever whited should get out of America. In other words they will become extremists within a month. Two tops. The fact I didn't become some kind of crazy extremist I'll never know how.

#4: Nothing you say really matters. You are one person in a drop in the ocean of hundreds of thousands of people. Any thing you say will probably get ignored or you will get some person who obviously needs mental help yelling at you about lizard people. 

#5: It makes you feel like you have to say something about every thing that happens. Okay let's go and say some famous person says something stupid. Or sorta famous. or kinda famous within some hobby you have. It's just something stupid and not really worth making a fuss about. It's not even the most offensive thing ever posted. It's something that someone posted something a little ignorant because they didn't know better. It's not like someone posted something horribly awful knowing full well it was awful. No you just feel you have to post something and if you are already having a bad day you'll probably yell at this person and then its a big kerfuffle.

#6: I don't know what to call this. I do not like the term Cancel Culture. It feels to me that it's not the correct term. Yeah people yelled at JK Rowling and Dave Chappelle and we can argue until the cows come home over what they said but regardless if you wanted them gone or not it won't happen. They make people a lot of money and when you make people money you literally have to kill someone / jerk off in someones face like Louis C.K. (who is also making a comeback  weird huh). I don't know what to call this but I don't like the term Cancel Culture for it. I don't think it's good to call it Consequence Culture either because I like trying to get people to agree with me when it comes to things like people getting rights and all that. I don't know what to call it but it's something that doesn't seem to work (at least on any celebrity that makes someone money. I'm sure you could pull out someone who's like a C-List dude who got thrown out or something like Apu from the Simpsons). I don't know why I made this post but I did.

#7: You can argue with some dopey idiots but you will just end up helping them: I don't do it a lot on this blog (I did a few times earlier on in the blogs history) but I don't like Comicsgate or the Fandom Menace people who yell at wokeness in new popular culture things. It's not only that they are wrong in feeling "wokeness" (a stupid nebulous made up term that can mean anything to anyone but thats for another rant I hope I don't have to make.) they also harass people who work on these things for a weird degree. Like these people need to just give it up and realize these things have changed and if they don't like the changes to move on. Not to forget that a lot of these things like say comic books already took on serious issues decades ago and holy moly people may want to take on the serious issues of today. or at least issues they deem serious. The way twitter is made that any argument you have just helps these people find more people like them. Like for example this guy named Bradley April (I'm not using his real name because I really don't want too) who hates vaccines and masks and all that stuff during a pandemic. He also complains about pop culture stuff too but any argument with him will just help him find another 42 losers and not actually change anyones mind.

#8: You don't actually fix any problems via twitter. It doesn't matter if you are left wing, right wing, in the middle, against captialism, for captialism, for LBGT characters in fiction, against them, whatever. None of the arguments you have on twitter will fix any problem. You're just spitting into the wind hoping not to get any on you. It's pointless and insane to even try. Any problem that big won't be fixed on a platform that mostly causes you to get into arguments.

#9: It makes me feel like piss and shit and puke all mixed into portnoyd's probably very dirty toilet. At one point it was legit fun to argue with goofs and dopes until I realized it helped the big people at the top of these big goofy arguments like Comicsgate or Gamergate or fucking hell stop calling everything gate. Jesus. Also the amount of people who were so insanely stupid just got to me. It was an never ending line of complete idiocy. Yeah I'm sure some of them were bots but way way too many of them weren't. I just feel shitty whenever I go to twitter now. 

So yeah, on January 1st this year, I plan to change the password on my twitter account to something insane and log out. I will have to do this for my own sanity. I know that I can do this and end up feeling better. I hope to actually fix a lot of stuff this year but this is the first one I know I can do. I will beat the Twitter beast that feeds on my dopamine. I was a complete idiot for ever joining it. This talk of Twitter just makes me miss weirdos of Internet 1.0 all they did were try to have sex with a Realdoll that looked like the Baroness from GI Joe or want to hump Ms Brisby. Those people were funny. QAnon people scare the shit out of me. Anyway this pointless shit took some time away from my least favorite part of the year and I'll always be thankful for that. I need to put this somewhere where I can always see it to remind me to stay the fuck away from Twitter.

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