Friday, July 2, 2021

The Final Episode #65: Disney's Fillmore! (2002 - 2004)


I think I need to amend a rule I had put in place for this blog, even though I don't know why I put in any rules but here it is: I didn't really want to review things past the year 2000 because I dunno I wanted this to be a nostalgia blog and most stuff after 2000 holds very little nostalgia for me. I think that rules good for the most part because you don't want to see me talk about some fancy high fluting well reviewed television series that people annoy you about for like its entire runtime to watch. NO PEOPLE I DONT CARE ABOUT DAMN BREAKING BAD SO PISS OFF. You come here to watch me talk about some weird thing from the past or sometimes something you actually remember. I am going to amend that rule to this "I'll review something past the year 2000 if I find it interesting or nostalgic or whatever" I think that works well for everyone because there's a small amount of shows I do want to talk about that I forgot came out past the year 2000.

So Fillmore! came out in 2002 and what I like about some Final Episodes is what I would tell you guys about what was happening in my life at that time, so in 2002 I was 16-17 and I was going to high school for my final year. I would end up quitting that last year and not finishing later with GED stuff or whatever. I finished at a  place called the Murphy Centre. Sometimes I still have nightmares that the Murphy Centre stuff didn't count and I have to go back to High School. I don't like those dreams. I don't even know why I'm telling you this stuff. In 2002 I was into collecting NES games and watching any movie made in the 1980s. I would also get up in the morning to watch Disney's Fillmore! and also Lloyd in Space but I'll get to that show some time soon. I enjoyed both shows immensely. I don't think One Saturday Morning was going on at the time or if there were any other shows on at that point but watching those two was a must. I'm sure if anyone at my school cared about me they might make fun of me but at that point I stopped caring about being seeing as cool or adult. I'll watch my damn cartoons and you can't stop me. Fuckers.

Uh, yeah, I didn't really like High School. or Junior High. Or Middle School. Or any School. Actually I kinda liked going to the Murphy Centre, they had a really nice laid back vibe that was really nice to me. I dunno. It was an interesting experience. Maybe I'll talk about it more when I can. This is not a blog where I discuss my life. It's a blog where I discuss old tv shows and their Final Episodes. Disney's Fillmore was a pretty weird little show now that I think about it. It was a parody of 1970s cop shows down to everything being taken so seriously but it was so ridiculous. Cornelius Fillmore was a bad boy who was given a chance to become a member of the Safety Patrol. He ends up giving a goth girl named Ingrid Third a chance to change her life around. She does any they end up taking on all kinds of Junior High Crimes. It's a very silly and goofy show but it's also very charming and amusing. I'm a big fan of Disney's Fillmore. The show itself ran from 2002 to 2004. Ending in January of 2004. It had a whopping 26 episodes so yes It's one of those shows Port will complain about. I wanted to talk about this show and I am and he can't stop me. The jerk.

The Final Episode of Disney's Fillmore was called "Field Trip of the Just" and this is an episode I do not remember seeing. You'd think I'd see all 26 episodes if I watched this show a lot and even in reruns but I do not have a single memory of this episode. I thought the last episode was something entirely different. I thought the last episode was the one where they go to the museum and someone messes up a painting. That's why I like doing this whole thing, just so I can find out WHAT is the Final Episode was like. If I saw it or not. If it was a good send off or what not. I dunno. This episode starts out with BAD BOY Eric Obern and his friends messing with some kids. He gets his friends to leave and a girl named Alexandria comes up to him and tries to act like a bad girl to get his attention. I think she wants a date. Some jerk comes up to HER and tries to tell her who she should hang out with. It ain't your damn business you little snot. Plus he tries to get her to go to a flute concert. What a fucking nerd. 

Eric Obern is looking after the science class' pet Tarantula, Guilderstern. I guess the teacher is a big Shakespeare fan or something. When he goes in this day BLAM Guilderstern is hurt and theres a big thermos of a weird looking substance worst of all is that he gets caught! It's not looking good for Eric! He's escapes from Fillmore and Ingrid and gets into a truck full of scarecrows. Bolger's Scarecrow Service or something. I think I'll leave why I find that funny to myself. Anyway Fillmore is given an ALL DAY PASS to go after Eric. We learn that the principal had a pet tarantula as a child which helped her through the tough years. Very amusing images of her playing with her tarantula. At least I thought they were.

It turns out that a Truant Officer that still has a grudge towards Fillmore is on the roads and captures Fillmore allowing Eric to get away. Meanwhile back at X Middle School Ingrid Third is talking to people and finding out that Eric is a straight A student whos only a bad boy to keep his friends that he's been friends with since kindergarten. Fillmore finds out that Eric is going to the Animal Hospital Guilderstern is at. Fillmore thinks its to finish the job. He finds Eric in Guilderstern's room and they go on a fun chase where Eric gets away on a camel. Also during the chase a goat gets Fillmore's all day pass! He gets out the door just to find the Truant Officer jerk coming back for another go at Fillmore. He has found out that the All Day Pass was real and that as long as Fillmore has it he's good. He tries to get Fillmore to show it to him again and oh shit Fillmore is in trouble. He jumps behind a portable table thing? You've seen these things before but I don't know what they are called! I don't work at a animal hospital you jerk!

Fillmore sneaks into a closet and waits till it's safe. However he dropped a picture of Eric AND his back up walkie talkie and guess who finds it. That's right the Truant Officer Jerk. Fillmore finds out about the one and only place that sells the stuff that was poured on Guilderstern. It's at a place called Elliminatrix. Fillmore goes there to find Eric but they both only find the Truant Officer Jerk. They get his tie stuck in a filing cabinet and he goes "Why didn't I wear my clip on!!!?" I dunno I laughed. They are found by a doberman dog and at that point it goes to what would have been a commercial in 2002. We see Fillmore on the phone with Ingrid and she's telling him that Eric is a A plus student and a animal lover we then see Eric playing wit the doberman that was there to eat their faces. Fun scene. He then leaves Fillmore back there and goes off back to X to confront the real prep. You see during all this a guy comes on the loud speaker and says his last name is Gravel. This makes Eric realize who did it. Fillmore gets filled in.

Who did it you might ask? It's not the Flute Jerk, no it's Alexandria. That's right because Eric was pretending to hate the Tarantula, Alexandria took it on her self to make it sick but poured too much on it. Fillmore and Ingrid hear her confession but even though Eric tries to take the blame Alexandria runs off. Kids dressed up as states have been filling the halls and they bump into one dressed as Texas and he yells "NO ONE MESSES WITH TEXAS" I laughed at that. What? It's funny. Go to hell, port. Alexandria ends up getting caught and is punished. Eric tells his friends about all his good deeds and they are willing to be tutored! Best of all Guilderstern is safe. 

FINAL VERDICT: Revisiting this show was a blast. Orlando Jones, 3J from Family Matters was great as Fillmore. So was Tara Strong as Ingrid Third. Horatio Sanz voiced a character but I'm going to assume he was terrible because he's like a very low tier SNL guy. Port probably loves him. Also the most famous movie he was in was Boat Trip and if that doesn't say everything you need to know about him than I don't know what will. 

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