Friday, July 2, 2021

Comic Review #46: Darkhawk #2-3 (1991)


A few posts ago I said I wanted to review every issue of a comic series. To see its up and downs, highs and lows and well it seems I've decided to do it with Darkhawk. I might pick a DC series after this but I need to stop saying "yeah I'll review that" and just review another issue of What If or something. So I'll try to pace myself and review issues of Darkhawk in-between all of the other stuff I plan to discuss. It'll be wonderful and fun. I picked Darkhawk because honestly I enjoyed the 15 issues I've read out of the 50 or so issues and I want to see where this series goes.  Plus I get to annoy portnoyd and that's always fun and I can't wait.

I usually talk about the writers and artists in a second paragraph for the Comic Review but I did that with Darkhawk #1 so I believe I will discuss what happened in that issue. Phillipe Bazin and the Hobgoblin are looking for a item of GREAT POWER. Chris Powell and his family are having a bad time when they find out that their dad has taken money from Phillipe Bazin and ran off. During this event he finds the Darkhawk amulet that Phillip Bazin and Hobgoblin were looking for.  Chris Powell becomes the Darkhawk and fights some of Philip Bazin's men. 

Darkhawk #2 and #3 involve the Hobgoblin. And Spider-Man because why not bring in Marvel's most famous character for a new character. This issue starts with Darkhawk literally kicking the shit out of Phillipe Bazin's men and then pulls him and throws him OUT A WINDOW. He saves Bazin and then tells him to treat him seriously and then the Hobgoblin comes by. They fight until Darkhawk is injured and becomes Chris Powell again. He's worried that if he becomes Darkhawk again he will die. He goes home to a mother that is working too hard because their shitty dad gave up and took the money and ran like a piece of shit. 

He then sees Hobgoblin going to check out the amusement park that appeared in the first issue. Darkhawk's house is also apparently close to Aunt May's house so we see Spider-Man coming out to see whats up with Hobgoblin. Chris Powell sees two homeless men are gonna get crushed and rushes out to save them. He then turns into Darkhawk and realizes the injuries are gone. He helps Spider-Man fight the Hobgoblin but the Hobgoblin gets away. This is the end of issue #2.

Issue #3 opens up with Chris Powell trying to learn the Darkhawk powers better by......blowing up a car... He's kind of a dope but I like that because a damn fire happens because you shouldn't blow up a car that has tons of gasoline in it. It's kinda messed up man. Anyway he puts the fire out and then meets up with two cops who believe his story of the car just getting messed up and let him go. They also mention that his dad is crooked and wonder if they should have let him go. He then is helping cook breakfast in an amusing scene. He is not very good at it and his brothers do not want the lunches he made. I doubt he could have messed up a peanut butter and jelly sandwich because I don't think anyone could do that.

He then goes to school and hangs out with his girlfriend and one of his dumb friends sets him off and there's a huge fight and argument and Chris just ends up leaving. Chris then goes to a locker room and hears some dudes talking about Phillipe Bazin and how they are going to join up with him. They even mention where to go because they are stupid teens and also the hero needs to find a way to get there.  He shows up to the joint and while finding that Phillipe Bazin isn't there the guns he's selling can't get out there so he goes in to beat some ass. You know who shows up, yeah it's that fucker the Hobgoblin. So I gotta give some history here. The Hobgoblin was turned demonic by some demon that was messing with the X-Men. I'm too lazy to look up the weird name he had. Then Todd McFarlane decided the demon was a big fan of Jesus because while he can draw he can't write and The Hobgoblin thinks he's the servant of the Lord. He then breaks into two characters The Hobgoblin and the Demogoblin. Comic books are weird.

Spider-Man ends up in the fray, beating up all the gun runners while Darkhawk and the Hobgoblin fight. The Hobgoblin  gets his ASS handed to him and it's fun to see. Darkhawk then tries to kill him and is stopped by Spider-Man. The Hobgoblin escapes and Spider-Man calls Darkhawk a jerk saying he's sick of all these anti-hero types. It's a fun scene. We get a scene with Phillipe Bazin and Hobgoblin. Bazin tells Hobgoblin that Darkhawk doesn't have the powerful item he wanted but it's just an Iron Man suit because of his "scanners" and computer printouts. It turns out Bazin made all that shit up and the second Hobgoblin took it hook line and sinker. Man the Second Hobgoblin is kind of a dope. I'm glad the original Hobgoblin turned him into dust. Then it's back to Chris Powell's house where he gets a phone call with someone screaming BEWARE THE CURSE OF THE DARKHAWK.  Damn we end the issue on that ominous call. 

FINAL VERDICT: I don't know if I will come to regret this but if it gets too bad I can just quit. Anyway as of right now I'm having a really good time and enjoyed these two issues. The two heroes work together. I think Chris' group of friends could be interesting. I'm curious about what the curse of the Darkhawk is. So far, so good!

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