Thursday, January 28, 2021

The Final Episode #11: Herman's Head (1991 - 1994)


Oh hey, is this the first time I've ended up talking about a gimmick sitcom? I think it could be. A gimmick sitcom is a sitcom that well uh has a gimmick. Like the cast are wacky hillbillies (The Beverly Hillbillies), or a spy (Get Smart), or are prisoners in a WWII POW camp (Hogan's Heroes). The gimmick of Herman's Head was uh... the movie Inside Out like 25 prior. Herman Brooks (William Ragsdale of Fright Night fame) has four sides of his personality living in his head. a nerdy side, his horny fat man side, a lady, and a real smart pompous asshole guy. These sides I'm assume caused him all kinds of grief and hilarious antics. 

My family and I did not get the Fox channel until like 1998 or so. So I never did see Herman's Head before. It wasn't as popular as The Simpsons or Married With Children which channels around here got as soon as they could get them. I never even heard of it until I was on the Jump the Shark website in the early 2000s. (Jump the Shark was a site where people could complain about just about any television show had jumped the shark. It was actually a fun website) I thought the show sounded fun but it wasn't until now that I was able to find the 72 episodes that ran during the shows three seasons between September 8th, 1991 to April 21st, 1994. 

The Final Episode was named First Impressions and appeared on April 21st, 1994. This episode has Herman Brooks get hit by a taxi cab and his friends and boss talk about the first time they met Herman (and all four of his personality take the place of Herman within the memory, like his boss saw him as a real smart pompous guy so the really smart pompous guy takes Herman's place in the memory) while Herman's life force in his body has to keep his personality from joining the Grim Reaper who apparently goes inside your mind? 

Oh I also have to mention the fact that this show stars Hank Azaria from the Simpsons and the Smurfs. I also have to say it stars scary troll woman Yeardly Smith (what kinda fuckin name is Yeardly anyway?). And since I mentioned the Simpsons I have to like everyone else on the internet is contractually obligated to say that man new episodes of that show suck shit out of a dick.

FINAL VERDICT: I don't know if this is the best episode to see as the first episode of a show. Like I get the feeling that the gimmicks caused wild stuff to happen. It's also weird that the main character is comatose for most of the episode. The episode was still somewhat amusing but I don't think it used the full potential of this goofy set up very well. I also have to say that the downloads I have are from VHS rips. I never thought I'd miss VHS fucking up but seeing them during this was a weird fuzzy feeling. I liked that fuzzy feeling.


  1. Let's get this out of the way:

    "My family and I did not get the Fox channel until like 1998 or so."

    Fucking Newfieville.

    Why didn't you watch the whole run!?!?! How can you appreciate a final episode without watching every episode? I bet you watched every episode of dumb claymation series that didn't deserve a final episode.

    This is a good final episode. It really brings everything together with the personalities. It's probably just a season finale that became a fun episode when the show was canceled but they had the foresight to make it more final-y.

    Yeardley is a dumb name, yes. Apparently it's her middle name. Fucking actors.

  2. I didn't watch the full run of any of these shows... It's part of the whole thing really. go in fresh on a shows last episode.

    bump in the night is gold and you can eat my asshole.

  3. That's not the kind of hard hitting analysis I'm looking for. You need to at least watch a few episodes to get a feel for the show. How are you going to tell if the final episode does the show justice?

    Claymation Farts sucks.

  4. Bump In the Night is great.

    I'm going to assume this show sucks just because this last episode wasn't very good.

  5. Herman's head ruined Hernans head for you.


Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)

  I talked about this comic series in the last Final Episode post about Monster By Mistake. I mentioned how I talked about this series for o...