Friday, January 29, 2021

Movie Review #3: 30 Nights of Paranormal Activity With The Devil Inside the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2013)

 I don't know why I watched this. I think I was in the mood to be very annoyed and such. So to annoy myself I decided to watch a post the year 2000 film spoof. A very low budget post year 2000 film spoof. Spoof or parody movies were pretty great for like decades until it seems everyone who made them just stopped making them and were replaced by people who are really bad at their job. which is to entertain and make people laugh. 

30 Nights of Paranormal Activity With the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is directed by Craig Moss, the man who's directed Bad Ass, Bad Asses, Bad Asses in the Bayou and The 41 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It. This is probably the laziest spoof I've seen and I've seen Avengers of Justice: Farce Wars. As stupid and terrible as that movie was at LEAST it had a plot. This movie is like that one except in Avengers of Justice: Farce Wars it seemed they cared enough to make the jokes a part of the plot. Not good jokes mind you but still jokes.

This movie has all the problems of every modern spoof movie. 1.) The jokes go on far too long. 2.) the jokes are poorly VERY poorly acted. 3.) the jokes are poorly set up 4.) they shove things into what SHOULD be a horror movie spoof of Paranormal things that dont fit in just becuase they came out around hte same time... like Bane from The Dark Knight Rises or Abraham Lincoln from Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. They just chuck that shit right in there for all to not enjoy. Seriously the gay "manny" they have in the movie just randomly dresses up as the Black Swan because that was a movie that came out in like 2012. It's all very very lazy. 

FINAL VERDICT: This movie is about as funny as the 32,000th LOL CLAW DOESNT LIKE CASPER THATS HILARIOUS FOR SOME REASON joke that the people in the discord like to make. The jerks.


  1. So what you're saying is this is A COMEDY CLASSIC like Casper butts and Horse Dad. Oh man, I can't wait to watch it!

    But seriously, what lazy comedy, if you can even call it that. I like the director's credits. Now you need to watch whatever the Bad Ass trilogy is.

  2. I will because it stars Danny Trejo and Danny Glover, two guys who can make a shitty movie at least not shitty.


Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)

  I talked about this comic series in the last Final Episode post about Monster By Mistake. I mentioned how I talked about this series for o...