Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Why The Internet Sucks Ass Now


If I'm being honest the literal most amazing thing that came from my childhood (which is from 1985 when I was born to 2003 when I was 18 which is when you are considered an adult) wouldn't be a childhood favorite movie or a video game or a cartoon or a favorite balloon. No it was a beautiful thing called the internet. You could literally find stuff a bout anything. Literally anything. The Go-Bots? Yep! Naked Pictures of Ladies But One of the Ladies has a big old penis? Yep! Reviews of literally any silly ass thing you could think of? Yep! If you could think if you could find it. It was beautiful. I would use the old dial up internet to take like days to get episodes of the old Transformers series off Limewire or Kazaa. That's one thing I think can be considered a upgrade on the "old" internet. Everything else pretty much sucks or has really bad parts to it. I will go over them all but I feel like I should talk about where the internet kinda gave up

I got first introduced to the internet in maybe 1996 or 1997. At my Uncle's house. I remember I would use the internet for so much goofy shit. I would look up a website dedicated to old Marvel bad guys and like News on Freddy Vs Jason (they had so many fucking weird and goofy ideas for that movie that I would have honestly enjoyed more than what we finally got.) It was wonderful. We got the internet in our house and I went wild and joined the NES Scene. It was great. I loved it so much. I loved so so much. I would literally stay up until the morning making it so I couldn't get to school for that day because I would just fall asleep in class. I was up just reading about video games on Digital Press. I also did it when some rascal we all knew would spam a NES forum. It was serious stuff. For a very sad teenager. The forums I liked to post on went away and were replaced by something that was very inferior. Social Media. by 2013 if you wanted to enjoy a NES forum you had Nintendo Age to view. And that was it. 

So let's go over a bunch of reasons why the Internet sucks ass now and how it's turned me into an even more bitter misanthrope. 

1.) Social Media. You know I'm going to admit that I thought it was a fine idea when it started. It really was. You got to stick around with your friends you made on the internet. I still use Facebook only for staying in contact with friends from a forum that's been gone almost for a decade now. It was replaced by a really shitty social media format. That's my first reason for Social Media sucks everyone wants to start their own and water down the entire concept. Yeah thanks JoBlo for throwing away your wonderful movie forums for a watered down Facebook that you ended up getting rid of. I mean I know people were getting bored of forums and were all so excited for a new shiny thing (which I can't say I'm immune too. I get excited by shiny new things.)  It also I think really fucked up politics. You say a thing that is somewhere in the middle and people will shit down your throat. You can't say boycotting Hogwart's Legacy is pointless because Harry Potter is literally one of the 5 most popular things that ever existed and you will not get rid of it ever or you now love JK Rowling and think trans people should be slapped and thrown into a gulag or some kind of extreme point. I'm sorry people but you NEED centrists to keep you in line before you become a huge goober. I get stressed out because I can't be fully truthful about politics on social media.  It doesn't help that social media is now literally 92% of the Internet.

2.) YouTube. This is one of those 50/50 things. I love a lot of things about YouTube. I'm listening to a damn livestream right now. I'm subscribed to a lot of people and get excited whenever a new video from a favorite creator pops up in my feed. I love them all so much. I'm just talking about how awful shit content that I do believe helps cause shit in real life. It helps radicalize people. Hearing anti-woke YouTubers go on and on about how gays and black people taking over straight and white roles over and over can cause simple brained idiots will cause harm to them now and become they become alt-right weirdos. I don't care what anyone has to say about this. I will continue to complain about these people until they go away. Or I get a life.

3.) So many stupid and insane people are on the internet now. Yeah I will not argue that stupid people were on the internet since it started. They weren't you know at least ninety two percent of the fucking internet. They were mocked and derided and left the damn communities you were in alone. (For the most part lol) and yeah people with uh let's say less healthy issues of the mental sort always existed on the internet too but you know what they were endearing. I'll take someone who wants to marry the mouse lady from the Secret of NIMH and the guy who wants to kiss a real doll over the lunatic who would literally come to your house and shoot you for saying something which is now a real possibility on this crazy new shitty garbage internet.

4.) It's ruining real life things. I love Magazines. I love collecting them and even reading old ones. Magazines are dying and being removed because of the internet. I don't like how everything is now oh you can use the internet for that. 

5.) This is not about the internet but Streaming services suck. Yeah I know it's weird to put this in my blog post but it popped into my head and I don't know where it goes. It was a pretty decent idea when it started like Social Media but now there are way too many of them and if you want something from one place you have to buy an account to get it. You have to get access to all of them now. These companies are keeping all of their stuff stuck on their streaming services and it's no good.

6.) Portnoyd posts too much on it. YOU KNOW I HAD TO SASS YOU BUCKO.

That's it. The internet sucks now. This blog sucks. Too many people ruin things. I hate it.


  1. My posts are great and make things like this shitty gerbage blog so much better. Don't sass me or I'll move my blog to your comments again.

    Have you heard of the term Eternal September? It's an elitist term internet users from 1990 used to describe the influx of Internet users every September when a new crop of college freshman would get internet access (keep in mind this is 1990, net access was tough to wrangle). The Eternal part is from 1994 when AOL, Prodigy and Cserve made the internet exponentially more accessible so the September influx never abated.

    That influx just kept going and the bar just kept getting lower and lower. You know how you can draft players and by round 7, you're left with the guys who are just kinda bad? Well, we're on round 37475 for internet users.

    That's the problem. The internet is now full of people who should not be on it. All those stupid and insane people are from that crop. And instead of telling them to suck it up and learn how it works, we made it easier for them. And easier. And retard level easy. Most importantly, they didn't seek it out or discover it. It was smashed into their face.

    That's why all the things you rightfully (stop being right, jerk) mention are the way they are. Forums were too complex for these people so social media groups appeared. YouTube went from easy to use to slap your dick on a phone and you post a video. If it was any more difficult, they wouldn't use it because lol trying to figure things out (proof of that, half the posts on reddit where the dumb OP is too lazy to do a fucking Google search).

    I am with you - AOL opened up my life. Yes, it's lol AOL but the Videogames Lounge was a lot of fun, plus warez and shitty MUDs and just usenet for forum posting. I loved getting lost in the file archives of the most random stuff. Then I got onto an actual ISP and my experience was similar to yours. I miss it but we at least have cavern to keep the dream alive (even if I'm subject to your insane Namor love, jerk).

    1. I'm reviewing Namor comics all through the month of November and calling it Namorvember.


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