Saturday, June 10, 2023

Things I Miss From the Past Part 1

 Well, since I've grown into a grumpy rambly old man I've decided to to start up a new blog post series thing that might have legs and might not. I do not know. I have a feeling it does but who knows.This is just me complaining about things that someone born in like 2004 would have no idea about. You know me being an old ass man who should start yelling at clouds like Abraham Simpson in the last scene of The Simpsons that is even the little bit iconic.

1.) Having little to no choice: Remember being a kid, I mean a kid that lived pre streaming services/internet access/ability to get anything. You literally had to willingly sit through things you didn't like or thought you weren't going to like. Like movies or TV shows. I'm sure as fuck there are things I complained about having to watch to my parents or just to myself and then realizing that I was enjoying the thing I was complaining about. The days of you have 30 TV channels and 15 of them show nothing you care about and you're pissed at the Super Nintendo because you died in that Toxic Castle level of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest.  Sometimes the show was terrible and sometimes the show became one of your new favourites. Sometimes it was good to step out of your comfort zone or in this case being shoved out of your comfort zone. Or sometimes having too much choice will make you go "Jesus Christ I can't fucking decide what to pick!" which happens so fucking much to me. 

2.) So many things to get angry about. Remember in the past how there'd be like one big serious issue that people would talk about like say the Iraq War and one random dumb issue that people really shouldn't have cared about like I dunno Paris Hilton existing. Now it's like one big serious issue, twenty semi serious issues, and nine hundred and ninety nine pointless stupid issues that everyone wants to talk about. There's so much shit happening that it would literally take you 8 years to read up on everything to have even a somewhat informed opinion. It's very annoying.

Yeah I had a few other points but they just flew out of my mind because my mind is a weird and wild mess of garbage so this minor blog post is all you get. Sorry, not sorry.


  1. Well geez I agree with these once again. Choice paralysis is totally a thing. People seem to want these walls of media more than anything and as much as I like mine, I'm usually tripped up by choice paralysis as well.

    And yeah, far too many people have opinions on 8 billion subjects that they have no business even discussing let alone chiming in.

    Rabble rabble. I'm old and angry now too. lol

    Damien C.

  2. Remember when, if we had to pee, we held it until the commercial break? I miss that. It gave a sense of urgency to what you were watching. "oh fuck is Optimus going to save the day or what". Now who cares? Now my kids don't even pause what they're watching for a bathroom break. The fuck.

    Nickelodeon was just enough of kid tv all the time. We didn't need more. Before it was "your shows are on and now the news is so go do homework". We still had that but Nick was the safety net. The safety net got way too fucking big.

    I now have 21 MONTHS of video on our network. Yeah data hoarding but it's insane. Kind of wish I could lock down Plex and program 4 channels and that's it. The kids would bitch up a storm though.

    On point 2, apparently aliens are real and no one cares. People go "Oh.... but did you see that dog that looks like a bear?" There's just too much everything. I hope the writer's strike lasts forever because we have enough content for 50 societies.

    1. On one hand I want them to make good money and be able to have a good life when not writing for them and their families if they have any on the other hand I wouldn't be so sad if Hollywood can't make any more movies or tv shows because I really have no interest in a lot of it and the other have annoys me and we already have enough stuff to enjoy, but then again most people want the new shiny thing and not old stuff.


Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)

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