Thursday, June 22, 2023

Random Ass Thoughts Part 2!

 What!? I'm actually keeping this going?! Holy shit what a surprise. So I guess that I want to empty my head of random ass thoughts so that two or three people will comment on them but then again no one could comment and I'd still start blathering all over the place here on blogger. It's fun to do. You should do it too!

1.) The first thing I want to talk about is people treating a piece of entertainment from like 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago as if it were made in 2023. I'm sorry but that's not how it goes. You have to take the product on its own terms as a piece of entertainment made in that time. You can't go "HOW DARE THEY" to something made in 1984 and then write up a silly pointless think piece. You can't change the movie or tv show and you can't ban it either. I don't care if it's the most offensive thing ever and I'm also bothered by it. It's still a part of history no matter how small and banning things like that just starts a slippery slope. I dunno, I think I'm just tired of seeing think pieces about how this thing from 1982 didn't hold up for you because you went at it with 2023 sensibilities. We can't change the past but we can make the future better which I think is the better thing to do but what do I know?

2.) Elon Musk is you know that annoying kid that no one liked in the neighborhood but his parents had enough money and no sense to literally buy him everything he wanted in life so you had to put up with him so you could play with the TMNT Hockey thing. The fooseball thing. Just with hockey. I think its called fooseball. Anyway I actually had that thing and it was pretty cool, but he's the kid who literally had every thing. He had the sega genesis, the SNES, the NES, the gameboy and the Turbo Graphix. He literally just wanted all this stuff because he was an annoying weirdo that wanted to be your friend and he thought he could get it by getting his parents to buy all this stuff for him. He is now way richer than any human being should be (Tax the shit out of billionaires. no seriously I do not give a flying fuck about your opinion on this. Tax them. No one deserves that fucking amount of money) and literally buys Twitter and is now letting Right Wing people do whatever they want and unlike the kids who had no political ideals and didn't want to spend time with him they are eating his shit and asking for more. Elon Musk sucks and I hate having to hear about him. I want him to go away forever.

3.) David Zaslav is perfect proof of a dumb son of a bitch falling upwards in Hollywood. The man is now selling all kinds of rights away for Warner Brothers IP, (also this year is the studio's 100th birthday) and wrecking the shit out of Turner Classic Movies. Martin "Marty" Scorsese (I don't care to look up his name), Steven Spielberg and Paul Thomas Anderson apparently all got on a call to him about this. Seriously I don't know how someone can get so hated by so many people so quickly. The animation  community is probably not working with him again because of all of the cartoons he cut down to save minuscule amount of money. Maybe he should have tried to get the company for less than 49 billion dollars. 

4.) I seriously don't get conservatives. If you want to make money just go on You Tube and spout any kind of conservative ideals and they will throw money at you like they have billions of dollars. Are you all so insecure about your beliefs that you have to give idiot youtubers that scream woke all kinds of money? I don't throw money at people who are left wing on YouTube or anything really. You gotta entertain me before I throw out the money. Whatever.

5.) Getting this crap out of my brain is a good thing. Just having it down on paper feels good even if they are pointless random ass thoughts.

Anyway, uh. yeah. That's it. Have fun.


  1. 1. I agree with this. People do it to everything now. Go to the Metroid subreddit (or don't because fuck reddit lol) and ask everyone what they think of NES Metroid. "DURR HURR THERES NO MAP WHERE DO I GO WHY DOESN'T THE GAME PLAY ITSELF FOR ME WAAAAHHHHH" Totally missing the point of the game. Can you imagine a 2023 Blazing Saddles? It wouldn't even get made now, people on the left would tame it for being "too racist" and people on the right would take the racism at face value instead of the lampooning that it really was.

    2. I would be OK with Elon Musk being launched into the sun. Preferably with all the other billionaires and hyper conservative pricks.

    3. I don't know this guy lol

    4. See #2.

    5. Yes! I should blog a little more as well. I have recently but nothing really of substance worth reading. Maybe I'll review something.

    1. 1.) I think a 2023 Blazing Saddles would be weird because there's like no westerns being made these days and a parody of them or a parody remake of them wouldn't work. I get the feeling several conservative youtubers would end up calling it woke because the heroes of the movie are a black dude and a white guy who thinks the racists of the movie are dopey idiots. I'm surprised they don't realize that they are being made fun of in that movie.

      2.) I just wish they'd all go live on an island somewhere so I wouldn't have to think about them ever again.

      3.) he's the guy whos running Warner Brothers these days. He also created 19 and Counting (The Duggars reality tv show) and Honey Boo Boo.


    2. My blog is still there lol. I'm just lazy about posting

    3. #1: I fucking hate the term "didn't age well". That sums it up. It's more high and mighty shit from assholes. Intense pearl clutching that they wear like a badge of honor.

      #2: Stop giving Musk attention. He's a very rich attention whore. By now you'd think people would know what to do with people like this but nooooope.

      #3: I'm just glad he didn't murder new ATHF, and the VB and Metalocalypse movies. But yes, he's dumb as fuck.

      #4: I'm sick of both sides. The left mutated into a supersoft version of the right after Trump and Kung Flu. They get angry now too! For no reason! All of you, fuck off.

      #5: The only way to kill God is with a chainsaw.


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