Thursday, August 26, 2021

Movie Review #39: Hobgoblins 2 (2009)

I want to bring this review column back. I still watch movies and I want to discuss some. This might not be the longest column I've written but this is a movie people need to be warned of and to not watch. So a little history, in 1984 there was a movie called Gremlins it made 32,000,000 trillion million zillion dollars. So people decided to cash in and make several Gremlins-like films. First was Ghoulies by Empire Pictures. Then we got Critters. Then we got Munchies which turned into a kid friendly franchise. It's weird. I should discuss all 3 of the Munchies movies.  Then we get to Hobgoblins. It was a weird movie that was even on Mystery Science Theatre 3000. It was a weird mess of a movie that I think was a fun bad movie. 

Hobgoblins 2 is the story of a man named Kevin who has to get his friends to believe Hobgoblins exist. Oh, and the old guy from the first movie is back and now is played by a new guy or something. The Hobgoblins now have something to do with your greatest fear. I don't remember the first movie very well but wasn't it your greatest desire in that one? I really think that was the case. Anyway this movie tries to be the first movie all over again without the weird charm that movie had. This movie feels like it's trying to be bad/weird/cheesy. That rarely works. I'm sure there have been a few movies where they are going in to make something bad and cheesy and they make it work but Hobgoblins 2 is one of the many many times that it does not.

All of the actors in this movie are obnoxious, except maybe the guy they got to replace McCready from the first movie. Every one of them is really bad at the whole art of acting. Like it's almost unbearable. Also all of the comedy in this movie goes on far too long. Oh yeah thanks for repeating that joke 3 times before you let the scene end. I don't remember the other Rick Sloane movies I've seen being like that but again It's been 87 years since I've seen something like Vice Academy. One thing I will give the movie is that I did like one scene involving a fake movie called CHAINSAW CHICKS. That was fun. Oh and the fact this movie actually kinda looks like a sequel that could have come out in like 1990 is neat too. The rest of it just doesn't work.

FINAL VERDICT: I told you guys and gals that this post would not be a long one. There's really not much meat on the bone here but I just had to talk about this movie because it annoyed me that much. If you watch this movie I will punch you in the face.


  1. This blog needs more sex appeal

  2. Replies
    1. I agree, it does. Maybe get what's her face Shannon Tweed to come model with a Hobgoblins 2 DVD.


  3. I have learned absolutely nothing about this movie from this review. Nice job, jerk. I GUESS I'LL HAVE TO WATCH IT TO FIND OUT MORE!


Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)

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