Monday, June 21, 2021

Comic Review #37: Legend of the Chaos God - Part 1 (Crystal Chaos - TaleSpin)


I remembered that Disney Afternoon shows such as Darkwing Duck and Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers had comic books and wanted to talk about them. I was going to talk about the Darkwing Duck comic from 2011 but I found out that the editor is big on comicsgate and is therefore a loser and we don't talk about losers on my blog (except when we do but shut up) and I don't want to talk about comicsgate again only give them mere mentions. I still wanted to talk about a Disney Afternoon comic and I was going to do one from Marvel Comics in the mid 1990s but then it hit me about the greatest Disney Afternoon comic of all time. A five part series that teamed everyone up to fight a evil snake god! A god of Chaos! 

Disney's Adventures was a magazine that ran from 1990 to 2007 for about 200 or so issues. It was a really fun magazine for kids. I had tons of issues as a kid. It was a small magazine that could hold in the palm of your hand so reading it now is probably really hard because I am old and my body is falling apart and the only way I can keep sane is to talk about things from decades past. Uh, Disney Adventures would talk about upcoming Disney stuff like movies and tv shows but would also talk about cool other things that kids might have been into like Star Trek! As you can see from the cover above. That cover does not have the first part of this story I was too lazy to count to 46 to find the actual cover so I grabbed this one because who doesn't want to see Pinocchio in a nice Star Trek jumpsuit!!

This comic story was written by a lady! I think that's a first for this blog a lady named Bobbi JG Weiss. Unless I'm incorrect and it's the first ever dude who uses I instead of Y for that name. Either way it's a first for my blog! She mostly did Disney work within the field of comics and wrote a series of novels about a girl and her horse called Ride. Not my bag really but hey I'm sure it has an audience. I like the art from a guy named Cosme Quartieri. You'd think information would come easy with a name like that but I can only find what comics he worked on. Apparently some DC comics and some Marvel comics and 82,000 Disney comics. According to the DC blog he died in 1950 and he must have had use of a working time machine because I read this damn story as a child in the 1990s (I had I think three of the five parts and I never got to read the entire thing until years later). Either way I really like the guys work on this series. All the characters look on model and great! I hope he is still alive.

The first part of this story was called "Crystal Chaos" and starred the cast of TaleSpin. Apparently TaleSpin takes place way before every other Disney Afternoon show, seeing as a character in this issue grows up between the time of this issue and the last issue. I did not know that but for some reason it doesn't surprise me. This issue starts off with Baloo bringing work supplies to Professor Potsherd (I read it as Pothead at first and was like ooh Bobbi you bein bad!!) and sees that the pirates led by Don Karnage trying to steal all of the artifacts via a net. Baloo rushes head first into the net sending the pirates and a emerald AND a setting that holds the emerald flying away. These will be very important in like a page so wait and see.

They all talk to Professor Potsherd and his son (his son will show up all grown up in a later issue!) about stuff and then we go to a scene where Rebecca is bitching out Baloo like she did all the damn time. Shit man saved the day and she still gives him grief. I don't like this character very much. She's a jerk. Anyway she goes off and in the barrel of something finds the EVIL EMERALD that houses the very being of Solego the Chaos God! He takes over Rebecca's mind with his power and makes her take the Sea Duck (Baloo's plane) away to find the gold setting he needs to escape from the EVIL EMERALD.

Rebecca under his control does this and Baloo AND Kit and Molly grab on to the side of the plane. Kit uses his glider to save Molly but finds out that it's way to hard to control it with two people riding it. They are about to crash into a building. Holy hot damn son! Thankfully he's finally able to figure out how to ride with two people and gets into the Sea Duck after Baloo opens a door thanks to being forced closer due to Rebecca going hog wild on the airplane. They finally get the EVIL EMERALD off Rebecca when Molly knocks her down to the ground (the look of EVIL in her eyes when she had the Emerald on is a great panel!) and Baloo picks up the EVIL EMERALD with some tongs or something and chucks it right in the ocean! It's someones elses problem now! Thanks alot Baloo you bum!

FINAL VERDICT: If you enjoyed the Disney Afternoon and you enjoy comic books I would tell you to check out this story in full. You'll have to find the Disney Adventures magazines but it'll be worth it! I do plan on covering each part of this series because it's a really good one but I don't know when I'll get back to this. I got a lot of stuff on my plate to talk about. 


  1. I got excited that this was a Websteresque crossover when I saw that cover. Alas.

  2. I do want to actually read that Star Trek/Disney article now.


Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)

  I talked about this comic series in the last Final Episode post about Monster By Mistake. I mentioned how I talked about this series for o...