Thursday, June 17, 2021

Comic Review #34: DC Pride #1 (2021)


Things are pretty lackadaisical around here on Michael's Fun Time Blog Of Otherworldly Delights (I really don't know why I called it this when I have no Otherworldly Delights to show or give to you but anyway). I take days off. I review what I feel like when I feel like it. I don't really put in the best grammar or spelling because well I've never been able to do that. I never learned good grammar and I care very little about it on the internet. Don't mistake this lackadaisical attitude for me not caring about the content of the thing I review or the content of my review. I still want to get my thoughts out pretty well and all that jazz. I don't just want to force this blog into something that it isn't. It's just some fun for me to do and post stuff. I don't want to this to get too serious and make it no fun and ruin the only thing about the internet that doesn't make my asshole swell.

Okay, enough discussion of my asshole because no one wants to think or hear about that. Last Month we got DC Festival of Heroes that took a look at Asian-American and Asian heroes in the DC universe. I have to say that it was a pretty good comic book and I think it was worth a looksee. I think I like DC Pride better. I think my favorite thing about newer comics is how they have a wide variety of art styles. I think it's really neat that every story in this comic has a nice style and they are all way different than each other. So much of 90s and 2000s art felt so samey. It's neat to see so many styles of art. Even when it comes to the variant covers up there. 

I would have to say that I enjoyed most of the stories in this book and like before I will talk about my three favorites. The first one I'm going to talk about is the story about the Green Lantern. You know the original one. The one that your grandpa read comics of. I think the fact they made him gay is pretty interesting honestly. Kinda interesting to see the gay characters that older than most of the heroes. I liked that about the JSA in recent years how they were all older heroes. I hope DC comics comes up with a new JSA series. This story is about the Original Green Lantern going out to meet his son Obsidian and his boyfriend. It also shows us the first guy the Original Green Lantern was in love with. Obsidian and his father have some issues but its revealed that his son IS the reason he came out of the closet and they end with a hug. It's a sweet story and I'm a sap for that kinda thing.

The next story involves the non-binary Flash I think? I think this character is from the recent crossover event called Future State with all kind of characters in the Future. I liked the interaction between this character and the New Mirror Master called Reflex or something. You know like Reflect, like a Mirror. I enjoyed the relationship between them and their girlfriend. I would like to see more of this character. 

The final story I'm going to talk about involves the character of Dreamer who appeared on the DC TV series Supergirl before coming a comic book character. She's transgender and people literally shit their pants over her just existing. I know this woke stuff is just a repackaged version of Political Correctness from the 1990s but people didn't get angry at a character just existing back then right? Of course they did. The world's been a crazy shit show forever. Uh, She's dating Brainiac 5 who I guess lives in the past now. She fights the League of Shadows. You know the guys that work with Ra's Ah Ghul. Anyway she beats the piss out of the main guy and in the end you see her showing up for her date with Brainiac 5 WITH the criminal in cuffs. She says she wanted to get the information out of this one personally. I laughed when you see them in a movie theatre enjoying their date and he's unconscious in another chair.

FINAL VERDICT: I would recommend anyone who enjoys a fun comic book to pick this one up. In one week we will see how Marvel's Pride comic works out! It'll be fun! I hope!


  1. Is it pronounced RA'S al ghul or RASCHE al ghul? I think the movie calls it the former and TAS calls it the latter.

    I don't get why this needed to exist but whatever. Society is dumb and swings violently in the most extreme directions. Political correctness invoked political incorrectness as a response, which just helped justify wokeness, which helped create the fuck your feelings crowd. Instead of more moderate approach, each next itetation becomes more and more extreme and hostile. As always a moderate response is the best way to go but here we are.

    In your face comics like this foster the extreme by putting the extreme in others' faces. Why can't we just shrug our shoulders and get along with our lives without giving a shit about anyone else's? There's a line about what others do that others should care about (like criminal things) and anything that rustled woke/fuck your feelings jimmies are not it.

    Also DC sucks.

  2. money is why it exists port.

    bigotry is why we can't shrug our shoulders and get along, dirthole.

    DC has existed for 86 years and is still producing comics so they must be entertaining a hell of a lot of people so they don't suck, shitbag.

    I think it's pronounced Razz but I dunno. Ask someone from the Middle East.

  3. DC sucks. You know what sucks and has been around for 86 CENTURIES? Bigotry.

    Is it really selling any issues though? It exists so DC is deemed woke by the Twitter horde and the suits who inexplicably give a shit what Twitter thinks can sleep knowing they won't be crucified for appeasing the dumb masses. Meanwhile shit like this does nothing to actually combat bigotry.

  4. I don't know how well it's selling but every single other company wants to sell to gays now that less people really care about that thing because they want as much money as possible.

    DC Comics is cool and good and you are incorrect and stupid. I'm going to kick you in the dick one day.


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