Monday, April 5, 2021

Comic Review #20: Captain America #28 (2021)


There's a bad hot take that goes around twitter and sometimes facebook where people go "WHY DOESNT BATMAN SPEND HIS BILLIONS HELPING GOTHAMS INFASTRUCTURE AND PEOPLE?' It's bad for two reasons. One, if you've read a Batman comic before you'd know he already does that. Here's the second and most important reason why thats not the main plot of a Batman story: it would be fucking boring as fucking hell. I think you can do a story about Bruce Wayne losing his money, sure. See how that effects stuff, but him giving money to create charities and libraries and all that stuff would be a boring fucking story even if wasn't a superhero story. I'm up for new ways to tackle characters but I'm gonna call a boring pile of shit a boring pile of shit in the end.

I bring this up because this is another hot take that most sane rational people think: MRA/Comicsgate/Gamergate/Jordan Petersen/Anti-SJW/Anti-Last Jedi are all fucking stupid assholes being grifted and manipulated by people on YouTube and podcasts who are just saying what you want to hear. If people who watch those videos somehow find my rinky dink shitty little blog I have but one point to tell you: Get help. You need therapy because normal rational people even if they are conservatives don't fall into these sad little groups of angry douchebags. The people making these videos do not care about you. They want you mad so you will throw money at them. To the people making these videos: Fuck you. You just make it harder to discuss any kind of political ideas anywhere with your hate and venom. You can shove all of your ill gotten grifted money right up your fucking assholes and then sit on it. 

Sorry but this story has The Red Skull becoming a YouTube/Jordan Petersen type who makes videos like Feminist SJWS get WRECKED by FACTS #3959 and what do you know the story is boring and hell and does not work with the characters. The Red Skull always wanted POWER and to take over the entire damn world. It was with giant Nazi robots or the cosmic cube. Sure the man schemed behind the scenes from time to time but it was always a grand Superhero scheme. This is him sitting behind a computer making YouTube videos about how Captain America is a soyboy SJW cuck because he let a woman save him. 

It doesn't work for Captain America because he's always been shown as a guy who doesn't give a damn about race or sex and welcomes help from anyone and everyone whos willing to give it. He doesn't care who saves him. It's also a well known damn fact about him. I'm pretty sure everyone in the Marvel Universe no matter who it is knows this about Captain America, and definitely the people with in the America in the Marvel Universe know this. 

It also doesn't work because it's boring as hell. I'm not one to tell people not to put politics in a story (most people who are like this get like this because a lady or a gay person is doing something and it's really transparent. It's like these people exist and there existence shouldn't be seen as fucking political) I don't want to see the Red Skull try to rile up some sad losers. It's not interesting. It's not bombastic. It's not fun.

FINAL VERDICT:  I do not want people to think I agree with these crumb bums usually but man this is a bad use of politics in a story. If you must do something with these goofballs than make it comedic because that's what they really are, a fucking joke.


  1. Your second paragraph needs to be required reading for everyone in this country. Well, the US.

    On the subject of this comic, what the fuck. Just DUBYA TEE EFF. Whoever drafted this issue should be barred from writing comics ever again. The marvel editor who approved it should also be fired.

  2. It seems he's leaving Captain America soon. Also he's gonna help write the new Superman movie.

  3. Oh boy, that's going to be a fucking disaster. Not to say the last 3 were any good (any Superman with Richard Pryor is at worst just ok) but I can't wait for Superman to have a secret identity of C.K Kent, a gender neutral, veggie identified asexual fop who edits Wikipedia because the Daily Planet is the patriarchy. Or something. You know at least part of what I said will be in that movie.

  4. at this point the last three superman movies were Superman Returns, Man of Steel and Batman V. Superman. I'm not counting JUSTICE LEAGUE as it's an ensemble. Superman III and Superman IV are masterpieces of 80s cheese and you need to respect them.

  5. 4 was really bad. I'm sorry, it was. I don't count BvS as a Superman movie for the same reason Justice League wasn't counted by you - it's really an ensemble too.

  6. it was cheesy as hell. I can't help but love Cannon Pictures. It's not a good movie yes but it's fun to watch. I still count Batman V Superman as a Superman movie because really Wonder Woman is barely in it and Aquaman and Flash were a teaser trailer within a movie. It's very much Superman and Batman's movie. It at least counts as half a Superman movie.


  7. It's really a Batman movie. Superman isn't in it for like 45 minutes in. It also highlights how useless batman is. Everyone else is basically unstoppable and he just rides the batmobile.

  8. He is.. When he's not with actual super heroes. One of my favorite movies is the Dark Knight. But as he says in Justice League, his super power is money. So he's ultimately useless.


Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)

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