Saturday, March 20, 2021

Movie Review #18: 2012 (2009)


I love disaster movies. The ones from the 1970s like The Poseidon Adventure. The ones from the 1990s like Dante's Peak, Volcano and Twister. I even like a ton of low budget TV disaster movies. I also love spoofs of the disaster movies, with Airplane and Airplane II: The Sequel as two of the best spoofs of all time. One thing about disaster movies I don't love is Roland Emmerich. 

Roland Emmerich movies bore the hell out of me, except for Universal Soldier. I'll give Independence Day some credit as the scene where the White House blows up is going to go down in history as one of the most memorable scenes in film. The Day After Tomorrow is boring horse shit. The movie Stonewall is also really boring despite some pretty good acting and also weirdly homophobic. There was one whole scene where the point is HAHAH LOOK AT THIS WEIRD GAY which is weird because that's a movie about gay liberation and LBGT respect and all that. It's like making a movie about Martin Luther King Jr and having a fucking scene out of a Steppin Fetchit comedy right in the middle of it. Also Stonewall looked like he directed the film through a glass of piss. Which is really gross.

I really really did not like this movie. It's as boring as The Day After Tomorrow and honestly really really depressing. There's a scene where President Danny Glover gets up from an building falling or some shit just to see a giant wave over come him. And another where you think the random russian guy saves himself in the plane just to fall into the ground. Just the way they filmed this movie, pretending it's super serious film and not an action film just depressed me. It's been a while but the movies from the 1970s knew that they were 1970s action films. They wanted to be thrill rides and tried to be serious when they needed to be. Plus this entire movie felt 82 hours longer than it should have been. I dunno how to really explain it but man this movie just put me in a bad mood.

I liked seeing Woody Harrelson in this movie tho. It's always nice to see Woody.

FINAL VERDICT: This movie is boring and it depressed me. I'm going to have to watch something better than this next. 


  1. I'm sorry I even brought it up. It's complete shlock, but not the good kind.


Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)

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