Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Movie Review #17: Mr. Wrong (1996)


I know a week or two back I praised Touchstone Pictures for making fun enjoyable comedy movies. I still stand by that, the majority of those movies are charming and fun, I did however mention that a few of them were not that great. Mr. Wrong from 1996 can join the list of not very good Touchstone Pictures. I'm also not alone in thinking that because said movie was a Box Office Bomb and critics and audiences were not very fond of it. This is coming from someone who likes Cutthroat Island and Hudson Hawk a whole hell of a lot. This might also be the worst movie to come out in February of 1996, the month which gave us Muppet Treasure Island and Broads Have More Guns, both of which I promise to review for you. If I don't forget, or get lazy.

Also I first must mention who directed this film, a man by the name of Nick Castle. If you are a fan of horror movies you know who this is. If you aren't you probably don't. I will let you know by telling you he was the first man to don the mask of Michael Myers. That's wild right? He went on to direct several films, most notable The Last Starfighter and the 1990s movie version of Dennis the Menace. I remember enjoying both of those movies. Not every movie someone makes is a winner, I'm sure even Orson Welles fucked up once or twice, but I'm someone who's excited to watch a movie called Broads Have More Guns, I'm clearly not an expert on Mr. Welles.

The movies plot is really simple and I can sum it up in like one sentence: Ellen Degeneres finds what she thinks is the man of her dreams in Bill Pullman but it turns out HE'S CR-AZY!!! The does movie fails because I didn't find it funny and I kinda find Ellen Degeneres to be annoying and all that. I watched this for Mr. Bill Pullman who starred in the greatest film of the 1980s, Spaceballs. I also thought that the direction was weird because this is clearly a dark comedy that's being played like Major Payne, a wacky goof ball comedy (oddly enough also directed by Nick Castle). I also thought they could have made Bill Pullman a bit crazier, he just comes off as half assed. I dunno, not the best script by Chris Matheson either. (He helped co-write the Bill and Ted films and A Goofy Movie. clearly this is not his best work)

Uh, for a few positives I did like seeing Dean Stockwell and Joan Cusack in the movie, and it's always fun to see Bill Pullman. I just wish it was a more enjoyable motion picture is all.

FINAL VERDICT: There's not much else to say about this movie, I just wanted people to know about the existence of Broads Have More Guns clearly the best movie of the 1990s.


  1. Orson Welles never made anything as bad as this movie, you heretic.

    Bill Pullman is great and underutilized but he at least was the best movie president ever. Prove me wrong but make a thread to do it.

  2. the only Orson Welles movie I like is Transformers the Movie.

    Bill Pullman IS great. I don't really care for Independance Day or any of Roland Emmerichs movies that aren't Universal Soldier but he's great and fantastic in it.

  3. If you want to really punish yourself, watch Emmerich's 2012. What a comically bad movie. John Cusack, the most illogical action lead in quite some time. Woody as a crazy yokel. And the unnecessary boyfriend dies in the most hilarious way ever. It's bad bad.

  4. And I saw it in theaters! (It was free though)


Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)

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