Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Comic Review #17: Children of the Atom #1 (2021)


Yes, It's only been 3 whole days since I talked about the overall Jonathan Hickman run on X-Men which involves like 372 books within it coming out each month and most are pretty stellar, at least to the point that I don't want to drop any. I wasn't able to actually get any new comics for like a month because we had a covid breakout around where I live and unlike some places we take that seriously and not like "welp sorry if you get it but I gotta not wear a mask because it's clearly a plot by the government to take away my FREEDOM and not me just being a SELFISH FUCKER". Also this book was also postponed because of Covid, it was supposed to come out in 2020. Covid did a lot of shit to people and postpoing a comic book is the least bad thing it did.

This book was also yelled and screamed at because of dishonest fuckers on the internet known as comicsgate. Yeah, I'm sorry but I'm probably going to mention those shitty shits every time I review a comic from 2016 to whenever the hell they finally piss off, which knowing my luck will be about 22 minutes before I die. Wonderful. I know Port will be like GET OFFA DA FACESBOOKS AND TWEETER but well I want to stay on Facebook just for some friends I like to interact with. I don't know why I stay on twitter even though there are some people I like talking to on it. It's just bad and should be shot repeatedly in the face.

Anyway the honest respectable people clearly made 400 YouTube videos wherein they said these new characters are clearly replacing the X-Men, despite the fact it says SIDEKICKS in every single fucking thing put out by Marvel. These are kids who are fans of several X-Men and create new identities based around theres. You don't have to like Legacy characters and all that but they've been a part of comic books since 1956 with Barry Allen. Oh, I forgot Barry Allen's a white dude so no need to get your panties in a wad over it.

The new kids are Cherub, Cyclops-Lass, Marvel Guy, Daycrawler, and Gimmick. I've got to be honest and say I only like two of those names. I don't know who they were fighting in the first few pages of this book, that would have been nice to see. It was nice to see Magma and Maggott, because I love the New Mutants and despite not being a fan of either Scott Lobdell or 90's X-Men I gotta admit I have a weird love of Maggott. Dude's weird and all over the place. Really neat stuff. 

I loved some of the character moments like Buddy (Cyclops-Lass) yelling at conspiracy theorists who think the X-Men are building a mutant army to kill everyone and the drugs they give people are gonna kill them. They haven't been completely perfect during the Krakoa era, you know working with Mr. Sinister and guys like that but I know they don't want to kill anyone. Buddy and Carmen also talk about how Carmen created all the costumes and how Buddy works on the Archive, which I assume is information about every X-Men character, which Carmen jokes they only use it to make Fan-Fiction. I like learning minor things about characters like this.

I'm also interested in the mystery of why they can't go on Krakoa. Is one of them a human? Are they all human? Is it because of Buddy's dad? I assume more stuff will be addressed in newer issues. I'm interested enough to keep reading. I must say the last few pages were confusing, I think because of the art were they completely refused by Krakoa, or just to afraid to actually go inside the gate? I think that could have been clearer. It looked like they weren't allowed in but wouldn't that end up alerting the X-Men? 

I had some minor issues but I'm with this story. No I don't think is the best book being put out of the X-Offices these days. It's not even the best comic done by Vita Ayala, which would be the New Mutants. I'm much more interested in seeing what the Shadow King is up too then Children of the Atom, but the main point is I'm still willing to buy the next issues of Children of the Atom and I think you guys should give it a shot. Portnoyd will probably be a penis about this comic.



    Meh. I've never had a good experience with "young" Marvel. I missed new mutants. New Warriors was really bad. X-Force was way too 90s and really a vehicle for Cable and for Liefeld to draw pouches. Gen X was off the rails from the start. Marvel2 (with SON of JUGGERNAUT) was bad and not fun. So any time YOUNG AVENGERS or LIL XMEN come up on cue, I tune out. It just doesn't work and I'm sure this is the same case.

    Also, burn your social media, return to Web 1.0.

  2. Young Avengers is actually great though.

    Spider-Girl was the only really good part of M2 and it showed because it lasted more than 10 issues.

  3. Young Avengers is bad and not fun.


Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)

  I talked about this comic series in the last Final Episode post about Monster By Mistake. I mentioned how I talked about this series for o...