Monday, February 15, 2021

Comic Review #7: Iceman (2017)


It's time to mention those dopey shits at comicsgate because well this was one of the first comics that people got angry over, and I will say this I don't think wanting a character to stay the way they were created automatically makes you a hardcore bigot or a dickhead. Yelling homophobic shit at Sina Grace makes you a hardcore bigot AND a dickhead. I get people get attached to things and not want any change. It's annoying for people who do want change in their silly stories involving men who can turn things into ice. 

This comic got their ire because Iceman was retconned into being gay. They were so mad over this one that people got angry over something like this. It's very weird. They all acted like Iceman was the most macho and manly X-Men of all time. Like he made Wolverine look like a wimp. (I'm also not trying to say macho ass gay men don't exist or anything) and I'm here having read a good number of Iceman comics always thinking Iceman wasn't 100% heterosexual (they all were like oh it would have been totally okay if they made him bisexual but I'm sure they were lying. Also talking to any person on that side of the argument was like talking to everyone else yet liberals are the NPCs.) 

Iceman had a weird relationship with a character named Cloud that could change from male to female. That was a neat character, I miss them. Iceman also didn't have the greatest luck with women. Not saying that automatically makes you gay but anyway. Plus 90s X-Men writers totally tried to have him come out in one issue. I'd go try to find that issue but I really don't care enough to prove it to people who aren't going to leave twitter to find this blog.

I checked out a lot of comics that these guys would yell and scream about, like the Unstoppable Wasp and Ms. Marvel (the Kamala Khan version) and they were fantastic comics, so I would always keep an eye out for any comic they didn't like. If comicsgate was angry at something it was worth at least checking out. I must say that this comic isn't that great, but I'm still willing to try more issues to see if Sina Grace will improve. I will talk about the stuff I didn't like about this comic but I won't yell at his homosexuality, showing that yes you can critique this stuff, you just don't be a dildo about it.

This comic to be fair, is okay at best. I do like the cover. It's pretty well drawn and I enjoy the X-Men villains popping up in Ice chunks. It's a neat cover, I must have to admit that. Also I remember one comicsgate weirdo getting angry that they made Mr. Sinister more flamboyant. The dudes a fucking glam rock vampire. He started as fucking flamboyant. One problem with this comic is that a lot of the dialogue at least comedic dialogue feels forced. I dunno, I did like the one scene with the other young mutant who can harden spit. Weird power set, but it was sweet.

Also this feels like it's knocking off a checklist of "Things a newly out gay/bisexual/pansexual/queer man should do" like come out to his parents. This just feels like stuff we've seen quite a few times before. His parents were always weird about his mutation so it at least still makes sense that they wouldn't love him being gay. It just feels like yeah we gotta do this checklist. I dunno, not a big fan of this. It just feels like you can tell more interesting LBGT stories that don't have to do with coming out. I dunno.

The interior art is pretty good, but I dunno, the story itself didn't catch me or anything. He's trying to find a date on a website and talking to his younger time displaced self (comic books are weird, ok?). I dunno. This kinda failed to get my attention, but I did see a ton of LBGT X-men fans enjoy this series so I'm willing to let them have something. Not everything needs to me catered to me. I got enough entertainment to go through till my eyes pop out and my heart explodes around 2062.

FINAL VERDICT: I probably will return to this series to see if it gets any better but #1 kinda mostly failed to entertain me, however if you like the X-Men and also enjoy the same sex to some degree or another this comic might be up your alley! And I criticized something without yelling about the writers sexuality. They gave him a hard ass time. They gave Mags Vissagio an even harder ass time. Maybe I'll talk about her sometime soon.


  1. I don't like Iceman being gay not because they made him gay, but because he's the one Xmen character they never had any fucking clue what to do with. In the 90s, he was front and center for Zero Tolerance and he was just wasted horribly. It's stupid that one of the original Xmen was deemed gay because of lack of give a shit. Iceman has 40 years of appearances and you couldn't find one writer that couldn't craft a compelling storyline for him? So let's just sacrifice him to be gay. Incredibly lame.

  2. Early 90s was good. Once Fatal Attractions wrapped up, it went downhill fast. The Phalanx thing was dumb and a poor introduction for Generation X. Age of Apocalypse was stupid. Onslaught was good but not good good, more like Michael Baysplosion good. Operation Zero Tolerance was terrible. And let's not forget the total ball drop of the Legacy Virus after Xecutioners Song.

    The years after that were even worse with Professor Xs twin sister, the incredibly disappointing The Twelve reveal, House of M and all that Xorn bullshit.

    Fact is, Xmen hasn't been good since 1993.

  3. Jonathan Hickman X-Men is better than anything done in the 1990s. and I still want to read Grant Morrison's stuff even if editorial was hell bent on fucking him in the ass.

  4. Hickman's stuff is definitely way more interesting than anything from the past almost 30 years. It's kinda weird, like Moira McTaggert being a Mutant whose sole power is to resurrect herself a specific number of times, the truly bizarre collection of mutants resurrecting everyone who dies and Apocalypse is a good guy now. But it beats Xorn being Magneto but not Magneto but being Magneto and killing Jean Grey.

  5. I'm sure you can tell I don't mind retcons as long as they work towards a good story and I enjoy weird and wacky takes on stuff.

  6. Xorn was the worst retcon. I didn't even read the storyline when it was first released and it was junk. If I paid monthly and that's what I got, I'd have dropped Xmen and never looked back.


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