Monday, January 11, 2021

Movie Review #1: Cyborg Cop (1993)


Yeah, It's time for another column to pop up on my blog! I had watched several movies before this one recently, but honestly they didn't fit as well for a #1. It's a first time experience! I gotta make sure I pick the best movie to watch. Sure the two documentaries could have been a good #1 column but I felt that something ridiculous and silly would work better. You'll get a lot of different kinds of movies talked about on this blog column but most of them will be silly and ridiculous.  Cyborg Cop (1993) is the perfect choice to show you what kind of movies I will  be watching, mostly janky junky silly B-movies. I mean you probably could have picked that up from my Re-Watchathon column but I needed something to put here as an intro so shut up.

Cyborg Cop (1993)  is a movie directed by Sam Firstenberg (he's most famous for American Ninja and Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo)  and stars David Bradley who is most famous for being the second American Ninja and John Rhys- Davies who is most famous for being a British guy in just about 4,000 low budget movies like this. The plot is pretty much your usual shoot em up direct to VHS (this is the 1990s remember?) where David Bradley (with a fanny pack!) has to find out what happened to his brother on an attempt to find a drug runner named Kessler (John Rhys-Davies) who uh also is really big into cybernetics which is what happened ot his brother. He was turned into a cyborg (who no joke looks like Data from Star Trek). So it's not really like a ripoff of RoboCop which I thought it was gonna be, because I quickly just got this movie because of the title.

This is a fun movie, Sam Firstenberg is able to keep the action at a great pace. The characters are fun to watch, I personally enjoyed the relationship between Jack Ryan (David Bradley) and Cathy. Those two were a lot of fun to watch. John Rhys- Davies clearly takes the cake as the best performer in this movie and the most fun. but David Bradley is good as your usual "IM A TOUGH GUY WITH A HEART OF GOLD WHO PLAYS BY MY OWN RULES" kinda action movie hero. To be fair this is also a movie that you know you'll want to see the second you see the title, it's either DAMN THAT'S GONNA BE GREAT or NO IM TOO SNOOTY AND I ENJOY MY OWN FART SMELL. 

Final Verdict:  This is not a fantastic amazing movie that is totally 100% essential to watch but it's still an incredibly fast paced fun movie that's perfect for a rainy day (or a pandemic type time like this). It's just a solid 3.5 out of 5 time. I also must talk about how David Bradley just seemed to disappear after 1997 and no one really knows where he is. I hope it doesn't turn out that he's some kind of insane Donald Trump supporter or something, in fact I hope we don't find out what happened to him because I just can't take that happening. Anyway if you enjoy mid 1990s direct to VHS action movies I believe you will have a good time with this one. I personally can't wait to see the sequels, even if the third one doesn't have Davey in it.


  1. Isn't it incredible who supports Trump? Chuck Norris, Kirk Cameron, everyone's favorite "boss" Tony Danza... Who's next?

  2. So a bunch of has beens?

    I mean I like Chuck Norris' action flicks but the last time he was relevant it was the days of WALKER TEXAS RANGER wasn't it?

  3. You're not wrong. Funny, I never looked at it this way. I shall bring this up.


Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)

  I talked about this comic series in the last Final Episode post about Monster By Mistake. I mentioned how I talked about this series for o...