Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Comicsgate can suck the shit out of my asshole, same with Youtube Grifters.

 This isn't going to be a fun little article about Pound Puppies or the 1986 motion picture House or the Batman comics that came out in 1987 or something I'd rather talk about, no this is going to be me yelling and screaming about something that has been annoying the shit out of me the past 3, going on 4 years now. This isn't going to be a place for you to discuss anything about this. In fact if you respond to this my response will be "Go fuck yourself" I don't care if you agree 100% with what I'm saying or you wrote a 22 page essay saying that I'm wrong for some reason. Not that I have to really worry because no one ever is going to see this, but that's what will happen if you respond. I do not want to discuss this in any way shape or form. I just want to put my thoughts out here and get it out of my fucking head so maybe I can worry about other stupid things because my brain hates me. That's it.

What is this whole thing going to be about, well mostly two things, Comicsgate and Youtube Grifters, because really these are connected honestly, and they fucking bring my piss to a fucking boil. This will be the angriest I get because it's taking a messy old shit on all the things I love in this cruel stupid heartless world of ours. I guess we start at the beginning of this thing for me at least. There's been mentions of Comicsgate ever since that fucking Gamergate shit happened (and no I'm not ever going to talk about that because it's somehow a bigger shit show than Comicsgate if you can believe that and it would take 10,000 articles like this one to talk about everything that went on there) but in 2017 I sadly, sadly came across a youtube channel by the name of Diversity and Comics who is possibly the dumbest person I've ever come across online and I've met my share of doozies.

Diversity and Comics would review recent comics and complain about the "SJW-ness" of them. I'm of this opinion... SJWs don't fucking exist in that large of a fashion. Yep. I'm taking that hard stance right there and now. It's literally a term to paint every single person who's ever had anything resembling a progressive thought. Say something like "Transgender people should be treated well" and then you're the biggest monster in history. Are there left wing people that go too far on things? Sure, but theres so few of them. Okay I'll give you an example, in 2018 when Mr. Stanley Lee passed on into the afterlife, two people said things that were unflattering about him. Every stupid asshole with a grifting platform about SJWs and shit went wild over this. Over two fucking people. Do you see how dumb this shit is yet?

Anyway he didn't know diddly fucking shit about comics period. I'm pretty sure he just looked at the Rob Liefeld (did I mention he had a hard on for this guy, because he fucking did to an insane degree) and never read any of the words. Like conservative people, I'm sorry but The X-Men has been a fucking allegory for bigotry and civil rights and all that stuff since 196fucking4. (oh and one very dumb comicsgate guy said it was just for all outsiders, yeah, I'd consider myself an outsider my entire life and I don't have hate groups coming after me like the Friends of Humanity or that shit).

I'd have left him alone if it wasn't for him getting a insane following, mostly from angry people who never ever touched a comic in their lives (one guy on twitter would go on and on about how great 80s comics were but never had heard of Secret Wars II and if you read 80s Marvel Comics there's no fucking way you wouldn't have known about Secret Wars II because that fucking thing was in every issue)  and these people were riling him up and he was riling them up and well he finally got a twitter account. This is when he'd harass (yes I'm sorry he would harass) people who wrote comics. Mostly any non-white/lady-type/lbgt-type. I don't give a hog fuck if you love or hate that Iceman loves frosty dicks in his mouth now. Whatever decision you feel is right is fine. I don't care, but you don't get to yell at Sina Grace because he happened to write those comics. I'm sorry but you don't. The pros would yell at the trolls/assholes/Diversity and Comics and this somehow became "the pros yelling at costumers". Well yes, if you are harassing someone in a Grocery story you should be told to go fuck yourself too!

Meanwhile a man who had very little talent who somehow got to draw Green Lantern (his art is stiff boring shit and has no heart too it) decided to get in on this action by saying any person that voted Republican wasn't respect or even allowed in the new SJW comics and that he was being ousted by DC comics for voting for that orange bag of shit (would it surprise you that it came out that long before any of this stuff very few people were willing to work with him because he was a dishonest person willing to throw anyone under the bus if it suits him??? no doesn't surprise me either) and he and other people starting yelling about Star Wars and shit. Then new people came in (one of them named Doomcock, and yes he's the guy who believed rumors about Star Trek from 4chan) and started calling every new thing SJW. New She-Ra SJW (for looking like shes 15 and not a stacked grown woman) New Star Trek, SJW. (Yes, fucking Star Trek the thing that was progressive in the fucking 1960s) Thinking anime voice actor man who has been accused of sexual assault not get to keep his job, SJW (this was another shit show that I will never mention again ever because somehow it was even worse than Comicsgate).  Literally at this point anything that they don't like is called SJW for some reason. It's literally to make youtube bucks, which is why they are all grifters, just yelling SJW at the clouds.

I don't care if you think new Marvel Comics are great, bad, terrible, best ever written, worst ever written. I don't care what you think of New She-Ra, new Star Trek, New Doctor Who,  New Star Wars or any of this shit, just realize these people don't give a shit about you and just want your sweet sweet cash. Seriously the Doomcock guy just took rumors from 4chan to lie to you and get youtube bucks. This also makes discussing politics even fucking harder too as if thats a mine field you wanted to jump into. All I want to say is look at these things and make up your own mind, don't let a youtube weirdo do that for you and don't yell tranny at people on the internet who are trans. Even if you are angry at their existence. It just makes you look like a dickhead.

That's it. Maybe I'll stop watching these videos and getting mad when they literally lie to my fucking face about so many things, but it probably won't happen.

If I ever get angry enough to talk about these dopes again, maybe I will talk about Diversity and Comics' comics which are literally worse than anything I've ever seen in any entertainment format. Literal tv shows that lasted 3 episodes before being pulled off the air for being terrible had better stories than his. Night of Horror is literally the worst movie I've ever seen and it still has a better story structure then his garbage.

Oh, and one thing for the 32 SJWs that actually exist on twitter, you can easily ignore them. Wild.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll talk about the Legion of Superheroes, or the weird Chuckie Cheese movie from the late 90s, or DIC cartoons or the many other more fun things to talk about.


Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)

  I talked about this comic series in the last Final Episode post about Monster By Mistake. I mentioned how I talked about this series for o...