Monday, November 16, 2020

The Disney Afternoon Review Showdown Part 1


Well It's finally time for me to go on and discuss every Disney Afternoon show. And some other shows that probably weren't techinally Disney Afternoon but were made by Disney made between 1985 and 1997 (The Disney Afternoon itself started in 1990..) and to start I will be rating the shows as either Super Cool and I Like It. Eh, It's Okay I guess, or Fuck Off Wuzzles (I think you can already tell how much I enjoyed that show)

The Wuzzles was the first Disney TV show made in the year of my birth 1985 and It's relativity obscure and only lasted 13 episodes. It's pretty much included in here because I didn't want some pedantic weirdo going "WELL ACKSHULLY" on me and that I've always been somewhat interested in the show because I've always been interested in obscurities (and it's always a crap shoot with them, sometimes it's something that should have been more popular and sometimes it's horse shit) and I'm going to be fair and say if I were born in like 1980 and were alive during the quick Wuzzles craze I have a feeling I'd have had fun playing with the actual toys because to be fair, it's a neat little idea. The actual show just feels lazy. I was going to make a joke about how the show feels like it was voiced by the interns at Disney but actual voice actors who actually do good jobs in other places voiced these characters. Hell one of them was the damn voice of Bullwinkle for crying out loud. I guess even the best can have their off days. This whole show just feels like a proof of product that they made to see if they could actually make animated shows for TV and the two episodes I watched show that off (and yes people on Youtube, you don't have to watch an entire show to know you don't like it) Thankfully A lot of stuff after this is actually good. Sorry Wuzzles but you get the Rating of Fuck Off Wuzzles.

Appearing on the same day as the Wuzzles apparently was The Adventures of the Gummi Bears, which is the better show because well, it clearly is, just from the one episode I watched (and yes I do intend to watch more) it had a better plot, characters and all that good stuff that makes a television show of any kind memorable and had better animation and voice acting which is important for the whole cartoon thing. I actually laughed several times at goofy stuff that was happening in the show which was much better than being bored to tears by the Wuzzles. Even the theme song was better. The overall plot of the show is the Gummi Bears and a boy named Cavin (which is a dumb name) keep the Kingdom of King Gregor from being taken over by the evil Duke Sigmund Igthorn. The medieval kingdom thing is a neat touch for a show such as this and Michael Eisner also was ahead of creating this show but I'm just going to go ahead and give most of the credit to the other two guys who probably fleshed it all out and made something out of it. Rating: Super Cool and I Like It

Now here's the best cartoon of this first part and one of the top Disney TV cartoons ever! Based mostly around the Carl Barks comics of the 1940s to the 1960s except with new character added in (and I'm sure lots of stories not based on his work) comes DuckTales and it's incredibly fun characters, fun adventure stories (and a lot that were more comedic too) and great comedy. This show still cracks me up and I'm 35 dang years old. The only thing I can think of thats negative is that the characters of Webby and her grandma kinda suck and Donald Duck only appears in a few episoes but nothings perfect in this world (I also think the Carl Barks comics are better because they have more Donald Duck but that's just me)  Rating: Super Cool and I Like It

Join me again when I decide to make part two of this thing where I will share some CONTROVERSIAL Disney opinions at you. Holy hell, here's one right now: Disneyland isn't that amazing but I'm not really a theme parks kinda guy. wanting to piss, puke and shit yourself when your on any kind of ride kinda kills most of the fun of a theme park don'tcha know? ANYWAY what are my other controversial opinions about THE HOUSE OF MOUSE... find out next time.....or read anything else on the internet.

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