Sunday, June 25, 2023

Random Ass Thoughts Part 3

Alright. It seems like this place is here to stay! Wow! I did not expect it to even get this far but I like posting thoughts that just randomly pop into my head so


 1.)  The motion picture association of america. the dickheads that give the movie a rating from G to NC-17 and I don't disagree that a movie should have a rating and all that. Help people choose to see a movie they want too. Nothing wrong there. What's wrong is when they decide to be moral crusaders for all of the world. For example you can see a penis in an R-rated movie. YOU SHOW A VAGINA. NO SIR NC-17!!! that's already unfair as shit! I want to see Vaginas too damnit! Also No gay sex of any kind! And all horror movies that show any blood are offensive to people, I mean any one offended by blood that decided to walk into Friday the 13th Part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan deserves to be offended. The MPAA were a much of fart sniffing assholes who would just willy nilly say any movie they didn't like or were offended by needed to be an X. That's not a fair way to run an organization like this and it's not a fair way to let people create things. Oh and Steven Spielberg (who was friends with Jack Valenti who was the head of the MPAA...) , a guy who made a lot of movies that I like got in with them and they gave Saving Private Ryan an R rating because it wasn't exploitative. oh blow me. They should have had fair and honest rules and I'm glad streaming movies can at least tell them to eat a dick and fuck off. This is why I say the MPAA is full of jerks who suck.

2.) Movie Critics. I can't think of a stupider job that people in this world take serious. Like somehow any movie critic is somehow has a more important and thoughtful opinion on a movie then anyone else. I will never get why anyone lets anyone decide if they will watch a movie or not. You know how I decide if I will watch a movie. I see the trailer or a poster or hear a friend go IT WAS NEAT. and I'll go "Yeah let's go with it". I think it's weird how Movie Critics can or at least one point could have power over people and get them to go WELL ROGER EBERT SAID IT WAS DOOKIE SO I DONT HAVE TO WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!! Also you should see the movies some of these guys hated. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Predator. Scarface. Poltergeist. Beverly Hills Cop. Oh and by these guys I mean Gene Siskel. Yes. He didn't like any of those movies but you know what he did like the forgotten family comedy Baby's Day Out that I saw when I was nine years old and if you think I'm an easily pleased dumbass with no taste then just realize that when I was nine I was literally twenty times more easily pleased so for me to go "No that wasn't very good" was fucking insane. Literally fucking insane. Oh and Roger Ebert was wrong about tons of movies and also praised Cop and A Half. I also didn't like that as a damn easily amused child who would just smack those door stopper things around and laugh. No joke I would do that. I probably still would. I wish people would just give a movie a shot because they thought it looked neat or  maybe listen to their friends because they know each other as people or anyone else over boring ass movie critics that think they are the smartest people in the room. Plus the vast majority of them were always up horror movies ass like something fierce. calling them misogynistic and all that. Fuck movie critics. They are also jerks who suck

3.) I want to end this off on something positive because well, it's a good way to go. Let's talk about how great movie trailers used to be. Seriously a movie trailer from the past could make any single movie look like it was the most amazing thing ever filmed. I like seriously miss a guy just talking to you about the movie in the trailer. They do not do that very much or at all these days. Movie trailers today are just less well done. I miss that. Anyway I want to end this minor thought off with a love letter to Don LaFontaine. You know the IN A WORLD guy. He had the greatest voice in the history of voices. I wish so much that I had a voice like that instead of the weird cartoon character going through puberty voice I do have. Anyway I miss old timey movie trailers and feel they just slap any old crap together for new stuff. I wish I had known I had it all so good.

Anyway, that's it. Go away.


  1. 1. Ratings are kind of moot at this point with streaming. Anything goes and lol fucks and actual vaginas are fair game. The MPAA is a dying vestige of an old industry.

    2. Critics were fine way back when with NO INTERNET. Like the MPAA, they were necessary for actually getting information on a movie. IN THE NEWSPAPER. But with the Internet, everyone has their hot take so one specific person's hot take is irrelevant.

    3. Trailers from when though? The Don LaFontaine era was really not the 80s and more of the late 90s/2000s. Old timey ones really just showed BASICALLY THE ENTIRE MOVIE. The LaFontaine era was sleek and cut and OUT OF CONTEXT so it was kinda more of a shell game. I think we're just burnt out of trailers in general. Again WITH INTERNET, it's like what's there to be excited about? Certainly not TRANSFORMERS SIX NOW WITH DINOSAURS.

  2. the fourth transformers movie was the one with the dinobots.

    and also a scene where Optimus Prime has to shoot Fraiser Crane. Which is why it makes it the best Michael Bay transformers films.


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