Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Random Ass Thoughts Part 1.

 I guess it's time for me to start up yet another blog post series where I talk about random ass shit. It could be about anything that I'm annoyed by or happy with. Things that just pop into my head in succession (I will try to have at least 3 points to discuss/rant with you about.) So let's get this first and probably last (let's be fair) blog post of this series out.

The first of three things today I will be ranting about is the weird assumption that The Avengers, Captain America, Iron Man and Thor were like the least popular least beloved least cared about characters of all time in comic book history before the movies lovingly took them out of complete and total obscurity and giving them the fame and fortune they deserved.  Now, I'm not going to say that the movies didn't make them forty seven thousand times more popular and bring them UP to the level of the X-Men or Spider-Man, but the thing is they were still popular and had fans. Sure people who don't cling to every bit of nostaliga for the past and have normal function working lives may have not heard of them, but comic book fans knew who they were. The way these people go about it you'd think these characters and team had no importance AT ALL to the Marvel Comics Universe before the stupid movies that everyone shits their pants over (sorry but the comics are and will always be better. You'll never see something as beautiful as CapWolf on the big screen!) but those characters were important to the comic universe. Yeah you can bring up the fact they didn't sell super well in the 1990s but the 1990s was a weird fucking time for comics and a lot of stuff went by the way side. I get the feeling portnoyd is going to argue with me on this but I just don't believe their series would have lasted 3 or so decades if no one liked them. The most popular? no, but hell Iron Man was at least thought of a good enough thing for Universal to buy the movie rights to him in 1990 (when comic book movies were a nice little treat and not every movie you can see)

The second of three things I will discuss today is well it's a twitter post. Yes I know what you will be saying about that portnoyd. Eat me. I want my already shitty mental health to deteriorate faster so I use twitter. Anyway during some guy arguing with twitter that Iron Man was at least somewhat popular and that he did know of him before the movies (do not I repeat do not argue with any human being on twitter because it is a pointless waste of time. I seriously believe some people will just argue against you because they just feel like it.) and the guy said "movies don't have longveity unless they are the Fast and the Furious" and I was fucking gobsmacked by that comment. Dude if their were no longevity to these movies, movie studios wouldn't be trying to bring back every fucking thing from 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 years ago. Okay, for example Friday the 13th started in 1980 which is now forty three years ago (wow I feel old) and they are making a fucking prequel series for it. forty three years after it was made they are still milking that cow and people will view it. I don't think I will and it will probably be the one thing from that franchise I never watch (yes I plan to watch the short lived tv series who do you think I am?) a lot of movie series still have longevity like I dunno James FUCK ASS Bond which started sixty one fucking years ago. Also why is it so nice to type numbers as letters like instead of 61 you type sixty one. Feels cool like I'm rebelling against something.

The final topic of the day is "What is the Golden Age of the Simpsons?" So many people will argue this point. Most fans talk about seasons 3 to 8 being the Golden Age. Some put in season 9. It's just interesting to see what gets considered Golden Age for that show. Frankly if you are talking to me you NEED to put in Seasons 1 and 2. Yeah Season 1 is wonky with the animation but The Simpsons seriously changed shit right out of the gate, well not exactly right out of the gate because the Tracy Ullman Shorts weren't setting the world on fire but the second they got their half hour show shit went WILD. Frankly I'd have the first nine seasons be the Golden Age. Yes even season nine for some of you goobers. Yes, there are cracks in the foundation that come around season nine. I will never argue with you there but there's no way I can't lie and say I find so many episodes (even the really goofy ones) of Season nine to be hilarious. It's weird though because Season ten clearly has so many episodes I don't care about and Season eleven has even less. I wonder if I were to watch every episode starting at the beginning how far I could get before the show became completely unwatchable and had not a single amusing piece of dialogue in it. I'm going to guess somewhere around where Homer gets raped by the panda in I think season twelve. I believe that's where I gave up as a teenager. 

Anyway, three pieces of crap thoughts for you to chew on....actually don't chew on my thoughts because that's weird. Just talk about them. Jerk.


  1. 1. While I agree that Cap/Iron Man/Avengers had some degree of popularity, I can tell you that as a young kid between 1991-1995 in SOUTHWEST NEW JOISEY, absolutely every comic fan I knew busted my balls for liking Captain America and the Avengers. Every dumb kid I knew in school was a die hard X-Men fan and if you didn't like them the best you were considered a loser. Of course this is rubbish but I specifically remember getting shit for what I liked.

    2. I'm not saying Twitter isn't a fucking cesspool that should be absolutely destroyed, but also I recognize that people in general have some stupid ass hot takes and bad opinions in general, especially when it comes to dumb media that's meant to have mass appeal to make the most money. I work with two guys who I overheard saying that if a movie has low critic ratings on Rotten Tomatoes, that means it's "actually a good movie." Meaning they want to stuff their faces with popcorn and coke while mass produced disposable consumer trash is funneled into their brains. So yeah don't take a lot of stock in these morons. Or just get off Twitter.

    3. I miss old Simpsons. It's a miracle the show is still on the air. I still quote (good) episodes I haven't seen in decades. I don't know the seasons well enough to know when it dropped hard but yeah I'd guess around season 10.

    1. I definitely wasn't trying to say they were the most popular characters ever before the movies but people still knew about them. My old man did! The popularity ebbed and flowed really and the 1990s wasn't the greatest time for those characters sadly. It's just people want to pretend like they were the least popular characters and marvel didn't publish comics about them for decades which is just weird.

      I do not get why people trust Rotten Tomatoes period. I just go by looking at the trailer and if I think the movie looks interesting or fun I put it on my never ending list of movies to watch.

      I'm tempted to start re-watching the show from the beginning and like make posts about me bitching about the shitty episodes when I get to them. Still those first nine seasons are classic comedy and shaped my sense of humour a lot.

    2. I'm unfortunately the kind of dork who didn't care for the Avengers because in the 90s I was full on the Xmen. I didn't give anyone shit for liking the Avengers, they just didn't appeal to me. The Xmen were hot in the 90s and I fell for it. And then lol in 2000s, boy did they fuck it up.

      Get off Twitter claw.

      Simpsons is definitely 1 through 9. I will stand by my assertion that fake Skinner is the jump the shark moment. Season 1 and 2 are entertaining as any season after up to 9.

    3. Season 9 episode 2 was the fake Skinner episode which is definitely a shark jumper I still find it funny. I'm still kinda curious as too where the show just gets completely unwatchable.


Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)

  I talked about this comic series in the last Final Episode post about Monster By Mistake. I mentioned how I talked about this series for o...