Friday, November 12, 2021

The Final Episode #90: Reboot (1994 - 2001)


I'm honest to God surprised that this show was picked last in the Facebook thing I did. Seriously amazingly surprised that this is the case. I will have to ask Ichiban Crush why Reboot was picked last on his list. Everyone else it was first or second. I was seriously thinking that The Wuzzles or The Fall Guy would have been the last show picked. In fact I was hoping people didn't pick the Wuzzles and I could have been like OOPS I GUESS I CAN'T TALK ABOUT THAT SHOW. The Wuzzles was a show I really should have not picked it at all. I should have just jumped ahead to The Adventures of the Gummi Bears because people give a shit about that show. Not a single human being has ever given a shit about the Wuzzles and I refuse to believe anything to the contrary. 

Enough bashing of the Wuzzles, even though I would like to continue to do so. I have to finish talking about Reboot before I can do that. So what exactly was Reboot you may be asking, if you are either too old to be reading this blog or too young to be reading this blog. Well Reboot was created by Mainframe Entertainment a Canadian CGI cartoon company. They also made Beast Wars. Reboot ran from 1994 to 2001 for four seasons. Well, three seasons and two movies which they then cut down into episodes for the series. I don't think I've ever seen the entire fourth "season" of episodes so think of this as a review of the entire fourth season. Let's do it that way, why not!

Anyway the main plot of Reboot for the first two seasons was Bob and Dot Matrix and Enzo her little brother fighting inside games that the computer user would play. They would have to defeat the user or a section of Mainframe where the game landed would be destroyed and everyone within would be nullified. They would be turned into these weird little blobs. They kinda looked cute to me. They would also have to put up with viruses MegaByte. and Hexadecimel. It changed in the third season to be more of an ongoing episode to episode plot. Bob was thrown into the Web and thought destroyed. Enzo was made the new Guardian of Mainframe despite being like 8. He and Andrea (a game sprite that changed into a mainframer somehow. I forget. Give me a break I didn't rewatch the entire series you jerks) were caught into a game and changed themselves into game sprites and they would go through game after game to hope to return home. It was thrilling television to me as a kid and it was also really funny. One thing I gotta give this show was they were good at building tension but not leaving out the laughs.

So whats up with Season 4 episodes 1-4 or the first movie. Well it starts with this character named Daemon who I guess has this cult of people who join her after she infects them or something. Oh and Dot and Enzo's dad is back! Wild huh? Yeah somehow Good Virus Hexadecimal and a bunch of Nulls worked together and hes back somehow? I dunno. Anyway Little Enzo is being a turd like usual. He didn't become cool until he became Matrix. Matrix is a big grumpy action man so in other words a big asshole. I love him. Anyway Daemon is trying to infect everyone on the web ever! and Bob's sick! Well, this all sounds fine and good but Daemon is a really boring villain and you can't tell a great story with a villain this boring. I know they were trying something different from MegaByte and all but she's no good. Hexidecimal gives up her life to save everyone and I wish it was a better story because she was a fun character and deserved way better.

So Part One of the Final Episode of Reboot starts like this: Well, it actually starts at the end of the Daemon story where the Websurfer pops out of a portal and with him.....ANOTHER BOB. Oh shit, just after Dot had told Glitch Bob she wanted to marry him (I will refer to this bob as Glitch Bob because he and Glitch became one) So the episode proper starts up with a silly gag opening making fun of silly ass sitcoms. It even has a Brady Bunch parody thing. I liked that. the opening turns out to be a dream that Dot is talking to Fong about. Glitch Bob and Bob want to find out whos the real deal. I'm going to assume that this new Bob is just MegaByte the regular villain of the show. The game they play was a lot of fun, a silly take on Pokémon. I laughed and was amused. Yep. 

Part Two of the Final Episode of Reboot is pretty wild. Glitch Bob wants to remove himself from Glitch and tries several different things (one is a teleporter system like in the remake of The Fly, the second is the transporter from Star Trek and the third is some kind of portal thing. The portal thing does not work and ends up turning him into a weird statue. Like Han Solo in the Carbonite). The game they play this time involves a sequel to another game. The one that starred Rocky the Rabid Raccoon. I do not remember that episode but Rocky does look familiar. At the end with Glitch Bob being looked after by the other Guardians and seeing if they can find out what happens. However Dot confesses her love to Other Bob and THEY ARE GONNA GET MARRIED. OH SHIT.

Holy hot moly! What is a moly anyway? Uh... Let's get back on track. Part Three of this Final Episode involves the marriage. They are going by real quick. I kinda don't know if the character of Dot would be so quick to marry him without knowing for certain but I guess she's just too excited. Enzo and Matrix are the best men. Dot gets a bachelorette party!! Bob only gets a kids party because well of Enzo. So yeah, Glitch Bob is having a dream within a dream where he sees a giant glitch (Glitch was this gizmo that Bob used to fight. All Guardians have one.) The Gizmos come back... come out of Bob and bring him back after nothing else works. Kinda uh weird. Feels kinda copout-y. Anyway I was right and guess who New Bob turns out to be. THAT'S RIGHT IT'S MEGABYTE. He's now a Trojan Horse virus and can shapeshift. How the hell will they beat him?!?

So The Final Part of the Final Episode is a doozy of a pickle. MegaByte transforms into Mike the TV and starts getting people panicking. So the main characters all decide to try to perform a plot to capture him. They put the thing he wants the most, the gateway to the super computer right under his nose and he takes it. Not realizing that one of the cars was full of everyone and they fight him and several minions that he turned viral. I was like oh I heard this show ended on a cliffhanger but they captured MegaByte...however it turns out it's just an alias and the real MegaByte had changed into Frisket, Enzo's dog and now has taken control of the main control room of Mainframe! He's now talking about how he's going to start the Hunt and all of the main characters are gonna be screwed and that's how it ends.

Yep, it was a cliffhanger after all. like Duckman or The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin or Spider-Man (1994). I thought I had talked about more cliffhangers but I cannot recall them at the moment. However unlike those they didn't reboot the series in an attempt to make money (and failed miserably because no one watched the Netflix show pretty much and the few that did were very annoyed.) which honestly pisses me off more. Do you realize how much money you could get if you tried to go back and give shows well animated ones (it's kinda hard with live action and all) the proper ending they deserved? You would have made more money and more people happy going back and giving Reboot a proper ending but nope, Hollywood is all about them Remakes adn reboots and reimaginings. We can't get away from them. It's maddening actually, but yeah. Stop the remakes and give us the endings to these shows damnit.

FINAL VERDICT: This is very annoying honestly. I'm seriously annoyed. The first movie was a bunch of nonsense that was not very entertaining and the second one was incomplete. I mean you never like hitting a cliffhanger (yet a clipshow to me is somehow worse. It just feels lazy, but thats here nor there). They just had to go LOL YOU GET A WEIRD POWER RANGERS IN 2017 RIPOFF. ENJOY JERKS. What a waste. I guess you could argue that Tony Jay the voice of MegaByte had passed away but Jesus please stop rebooting everything, Hollywood. Some things had their time and place within the history of things. Reboot was one of them. Fucking hell.


  1. This is basically THE WORLD WIDE WEB the show and that's dumb. Basically what would be created if a bunch of people from the 90s tried to make a hip and with it cartoon about that fangled internet they've heard about but never used because it's for nerds. Now these douchebags are on Facebook and Twitter LIKE SOMEONE ELSE I KNOW HMMMMM.

    Cliffhangers at the end of a season sure are risky. You gotta be sure you're getting renewed and these fucking people never are. Bad writing imo.

    This show is dumb. I give the final episode no Websters on Star Trek out of 10.

  2. This is the wrongest comment you've ever made.

  3. I am 100% correct. Like you said about Home Alone 6, Reboot was created exactly the same way. This was a bunch of suits in a boardroom who said "There's that new fangled Internet, how can we exploit it to make toys?". YOU KNOW THIS IS TRUE.

  4. no you aren't.

    they at least got writers who cared and made a fun series.

  5. They didn't care, they just reused the same plot devices from good shows from the 80s.

  6. I am commenting here because this is the last post on the front page and Claw just needs to know he is bad and not fun.


Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)

  I talked about this comic series in the last Final Episode post about Monster By Mistake. I mentioned how I talked about this series for o...