Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Movie Review #15: Let's Scare Julie (2020)


Holy hot hell this is a bad movie. This might not be as long as my usual reviews because I just had to talk about Let's Scare Julie by some guy named Jud. This is a horror movie that apparently was done in one take? Is it even possible to do a movie in one take? I don't think so. At least not a 83 minute movie. I guess that person on letterboxd was wrong. Anyway, I'd hate for this to be like the first movie to be done in one take because it's very bad and no one should ever watch it.

So What is Let's Scare Julie about? This movie is about some shitty obnoxious assholes who constantly prank this one girl who happens to be the cousin of the shitty jerk from that other shitty movie I reviewed Run Hide Fight. This movie might be slightly better than that one just because it didn't annoy me as badly. These girls are obnoxious. Like incredibly obnoxious, they talk over each other. They talk about dumb irritating shit. They annoyed the bloody piss out of me. Well, no I didn't exactly pee red because of how annoying they were but it was close!!!

These Girls then decide to talk about the HAUNTED HOUSE across the street that was once owned by some lady named Ms. Dure? I think that was here name I don't know or care. Ms. Dure is now gone and its owned by some dude and his daughter Julie. Julie has to wear some weird scarf around (it's because she's a burn victim)! They decide to scare her because literally playing pranks and scaring people is the only thing they enjoy in life. They are literally right out of a damn Goosebumps book for crying out loud!  They even blackmail Emma the girl they love to prank until they found out about Julie.

Well it doesn't go very well. One girl just up and leaves to go pick up her mom from the airport despite the fact I don't think that was mentioned before hand. One girl comes back and is scared shitless. Another just disappears from the movie. Like they never say what happened to her. I guess the really scary old lady ghost got her, and by really scary I mean really awful looking. One girl comes back just not realizing what happened, kisses a girl who I thought said some weird racist thing about muslims. I guess racist lesbians can exist. This just feels like it was put in to tidalite some dudes because the movie is also pretty boring. It's weird to see what looks like a lesbian kiss put in a movie to tidalite some dudes in 2021. 

Uh oh yeah then Emma finds out her sister is over at the other house and has to go get her. They find out they killed Julie! Oh shit! I wonder why the hell the ghost of Ms. Dure cares? God what a stupid garbage movie. Anyway she gets a call from Taylor her shitty Run Hide Fight cousin. They mention I believe for the first time some girl who killed herself named Shannon. Emma said she found a picture of Shannon at the SCARY HOUSE! I think something was edited out because I'm also sure this is the first time Shannon gets mentioned. She runs around and the ghost ends up eating her or some shit because the movie just ends abruptly.

FINAL VERDICT: This movie is ballsack shit. I want to make a Haunted House movie called the Haunted House That Just Annoyed People. It would be better than this. 


Comic Review #83: Maximum Carnage (1993)

  I talked about this comic series in the last Final Episode post about Monster By Mistake. I mentioned how I talked about this series for o...