Thursday, March 11, 2021

Movie Reivew #16: Speed (1994) (Rewatch #4)


My greatest shame is that on one of my old websites that no longer exist (and thank god) I sassed Keanu Reeves. Said he was stupid and terrible. I also sassed Avengers comics. This was back when all the comedy I would do would come from being angry and negative. Now all the comedy I do just comes from saying I will slap someones bottom or yell at portnoyd. Honestly I enjoy the bottom slapping comedy more than the negative ARGH THIS IS POOP SOUP ARGH shit. I was trying ot be Seanbaby or Maddox and I was not good at it. Let's never speak of these websites again and hope that sweet beautiful Keanu Reeves will forgive me.

I put this as Rewatch #4 because I'm sure I had seen this movie in like 1994 when it was released. Probably after it had came to VHS. We didn't get to go to the movies much and I don't think they would have let 9 year old me in to see it. I did get to see the Santa Clause and Space Jam in the theatre though....wait neither of those actual beat out Speed. And I didn't even see all of the Santa Clause because of the movie messing up, I think we got a free ticket and used that to see the movie Heavyweights. I only mentioned this because I wanted to tell that story. So you get a nice boring story of my childhood! I uh, didn't remember a single thing about this movie which is one of the main reasons I really should do more re-watches. I figure after not seeing something over 27 years would give you a good reason to revisit. That is if I even saw it in the first place, I'm really just guessing if I did or not.

Anyway, Speed holds up incredibly well. It's a fast paced, frantic, and even sometimes funny action film. I enjoyed Keanu Reeves as the cop who is known for doing crazy stunts. Jeff Daniels, a man who needs just as much love and respect as Keanu Reeves gets these days plays his partner. The only real problem I had with this movie is that a smart guy like he was played as gets taken out like a chump. The character should have realized the bomb happy villain would have set a bomb up at his own house. Speaking of the villain the BEST part of this movie is Dennis Hopper. The man who could single handedly save any movie just by being in it. Even if his part was just a few minutes. Hell he's pretty much reason #1 why the Super Mario Brothers Movie is a great film. Yes it is, piss off. Oh and Cameron from Ferris Bueller is here and he delivers some pretty funny lines. It's always nice to see him pop up in a movie. Sandra Bullock does okay here too, Never been a big fan of her really but she does good here.

I also liked how all the cops seemed to care for one another, way nicer than OH IM A CRAZY OFF THE WALL COP WHO DOES IT BY THE RULES AND I HATE EVERYONE!!!! and IM A STUFFY CHIEF COP WHOS ANGRY AT EVERYONE!!! that you've seen in movies since the fuckin days of Humphrey Bogart. I also enjoyed the banter between Keanu and Bullock, Keanu and Daniels, Keanu and Hopper. Everyone works well off each other.  The direction is tense and thrilling. Shit blows up! It's everything you want in an action movie!

FINAL VERDICT:  Go watch or rewatch Speed. Also Speed 2 is not as bad as you think. It's got Willem Dafoe as the villain and really that's all a movie needs.


  1. Speed 2 is not a Speed movie. I know there's only 2 of them, but Speed was slapped on. HOW DO YOU GO FAST ON A CRUISE LINER. (Answer: You don't, especially with Jason Patrick).

    This movie is great and it is chock full of GOOD BAD ONE LINERS. I should rewatch it myself.

  2. It's kinda dumb to call it a Speed movie really but I still dug it if only for Willem Dafoe. He's one of those guys like Dennis Hopper who can save a movie for me at least.


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